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Tag: Caroline Nickerson

Survey shows growers, consumers want ‘wildlife-friendly’ plants, but UF researchers say education needed to recognize such flora

October 17, 2023

Growers want to produce wildlife-friendly plants, and consumers want to buy them, at least in theory, new University of Florida research shows. While consumers say they’re eager to purchase wildlife-friendly plants, some aren’t sure they ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Adam Dale, Agricultural Education And Communication, Caroline Nickerson, Consumers, Department Of Entomology And Nematology, Florida Museum Of Natural History, Growers, Jaret Daniels, Laura Warner, Nurseries, Pesticides, Pollinators, Survey, University Of Florida Biodiversity Certified Plants, Wildlife-friendly Plants

UF research verifies consumers want wildlife-friendly plants

April 6, 2022

Consumers want to buy plants that enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship with fauna in their landscapes, preliminary University of Florida research shows. To help meet consumer demand, UF/IFAS researchers want to assure consumers that those ... READ MORE

Category: Natural Resources
Tags: Agricultural Education And Communication, Bernie Mach, Caroline Nickerson, Consumers, Entomology And Nematology, Growers, Jaret Daniels, Laura Warner, Milkweed, Monarch Butterfly, Nurseries, Pollinator Friendly Plants, UF-certified, Urban Landscape Summit, Wildlife-friendly Plants

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