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Category: Agriculture


May 12, 2015

An easy to care for perennial to add to your flower garden is the coneflower, Echinacea purpurea. The daisy-like flowers stand tall above the foliage on sturdy 2 to 4 foot stems. Blooms appear about the last part of April or the first of May ... READ MORE

Category: Horticulture
Tags: Butterflies, Butterfly Gardening, Coneflower, Division, Garden Design, General Gardening, Native Plants, Panhandle Gardening, Perennials, Pollinators, Propagation, Wildlife

Tomato Foliar Diseases

April 21, 2015

With the over abundance of rainfall the western panhandle has seen in recent weeks, tomato gardeners need to be aware of foliar diseases that could appear. Tomato leaves are an ideal host when moisture is present on the leaf surface. There ... READ MORE

Category: Horticulture
Tags: Bacterial Leaf Spot, Disease, Early Blight, Edible Landscape, Fungal Leaf Spot, General Gardening, Irrigation, Leaf Spot, Panhandle Gardening, Tomato, Tomato Disease, Vegetable Gardening