Extension Pasco County

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Category: Wildlife

Muhly grass, backlit by the warm glow of autumn sun

We need to hear from YOU!

October 12, 2021

We need to hear from you!   Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts about our Florida-Friendly Landscaping outreach. Click the following Qualtrics link to participate in a brief anonymous survey. LINK: https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9zNZnEd2ZAnx9s2     Why ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Invasive Species, Lawn, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Turf, Water, Wildlife
Tags: #SaveWaterFL, #WorkSmarterNotHarder, Featured, Florida Friendly Landscaping, FloridaFriendly, Landscape, Landscapes, Landscaping, Resilient Landscaping, Save Water, Saving Water, Smart Irrigation, Smart Water Application Technology, Trees, Water Conservation, Water-wise
Nighttime skyline with trees and a single point of light from a firefly

Searching for (and finding!) fireflies… right here in Pasco County!

July 20, 2021

^ Watch the video above to see real live fireflies blinking just a few nights ago in Pasco County - (filmed 7/18/21). Yes - we do have fireflies here in Florida! (Trivia fact - At least 56 species of fireflies have been documented ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: #UFBugs, AttractWildlife, Fireflies, FloridaFriendly, Landscape, Wildlife
Monarda punctata flower with bumble bee

Create A Pollinator’s Paradise

June 23, 2020

  When you hear the word "pollinator," what comes to mind? Honeybees? Butterflies? How about flies? Wasps? Hummingbirds? Bats? The diversity of pollinators is amazing. By using the principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping in ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Wildlife
Tags: #UFBugs, Bees, Beneficial Insects, Birds, Butterflies, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Landscaping, Pollinator Gardens, Pollinators, Reslilient Landscaping
Vibrant flowers

Florida-Friendly Landscaping – Scavenger Hunt Activity!

March 24, 2020

The 9 Principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping​ (FFL) can help protect our water, create beautiful neighborhoods, and support awesome wildlife! The FFL Program is all about: putting the "right plants" in the "right place" giving ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Water, Wildlife
Tags: #SaveWaterFL, Activity, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Good Bugs, Integrated Pest Management, Scavenger Hunt, Water Conservation, Wildlife
Aphids feed on firebush leaves. Ladybug larva feeds on aphids.

How do I attract the “good bugs?”

October 16, 2019

The nine principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping* are designed to help: Save water Support wildlife Reduce guesswork Improve water quality Make YOUR ideal landscape a reality!   *(Need a refresher on the 9 FFL ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Pests & Disease, Wildlife
Tags: Beneficial Insects, Caterpillars, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Garden, Gardening, Insects, Integrated Pest Management, IPM, Landscape, Landscaping, Pest Management, Pests, Right Place, Right Plant
Monarda punctata flower with bumble bee

The end is near…

August 7, 2019

  Whether you call it Spotted Beebalm, Dotted Horsemint, or Monarda punctata, the blooming of this native wildflower is a reliable signal that the end* is near. (*...of summer) Each year, as children are heading back to school, ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: #FloridaFallColor, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Gardening, Monarda Punctata, Native Plants, Pollinator Gardens, Pollinators, Seasonal, Wildflowers
Vibrant flowers

Is Your Landscape Water-Wise?

May 10, 2019

Is your landscape water-wise? The Tampa Bay Community Water-Wise Awards Program is seeking to recognize landscapes from across the tri-county Tampa Bay* region that showcase the best in "water-wise" design and maintenance. *(includes Pasco, ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, Water, Wildlife
Tags: #SaveWaterFL, Drought Tolerant Plants, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Irrigation, Landscape, Landscaping, Rain Barrels, Right Place, Right Plant, Saving Water, Smart Irrigation, Water Conservation, Water-wise
Fall color in Florida - holly berries and red leaves

Florida Fall Color

November 21, 2018

Florida is known for warm weather, sandy beaches, theme parks…. but fall color? We’ve got that too! Here's how to embrace the change in seasons, Florida-Friendly style. Up north, the spectacle of autumn leaves changing color is ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Forests, Home Landscapes, Wildlife
Tags: #FloridaFallColor, Autumn, Berries, Fall, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Landscaping, Right Place, Right Plant, Trees, Wildflowers
Fire in wooded area

Can A Landscape Be Fire-Wise, While Still Achieving Other Goals?

May 7, 2018

As we reach the peak of the springtime dry season in Florida, it is a time to be extra-aware of wildfire risks. Pasco County Fire Rescue's social media page recently reminded residents of the importance of being fire-wise around our homes and ... READ MORE

Category: Disaster Preparation, Forests, Home Landscapes, UF/IFAS, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Drought, Energy-efficiency, Fire-wise, Firewise, Landscape, Landscaping, Water Conservation, Water-wise, Wildfire

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