Florida-Friendly Landscaping – Scavenger Hunt Activity!

The 9 Principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping (FFL) can help protect our water, create beautiful neighborhoods, and support awesome wildlife!

Bumble bee in flight approaching a cluster of firebush flowers

The FFL Program is all about:

  • putting the “right plants” in the “right place”
  • giving them the right care at the right time
  • attracting & protecting beneficial wildlife
  • reducing runoff & keeping water clean
  • creating vibrant, resilient landscapes


Let’s have some fun!

Here at the Pasco County FFL Program, we’ve created a fun, printable FFL scavenger hunt. To get started, click the link below to download the activity page. Then look around your home and neighborhood! How many of the scavenger hunt items can you find?

Click HERE to download the FFL scavenger hunt!

Having fun? Found some #GoodBugs? Show us your pics!

Share your FFL scavenger hunt pics on Facebook and Twitter! Be sure to tag @PascoExt

(And don’t forget to follow or like!)

Facebook: fb.me/PascoExt

Twitter: @PascoExt


Looking for more info?

Learn about attracting the “good bugs” to your landscape – https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/pascoco/2019/10/16/how-do-i-attract-the-good-bugs/

Learn about dealing with aphids – https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/pascoco/2019/02/15/aaaahhhh-aphids/

Learn about the 9 Principles of FFL – https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/pascoco/2019/01/07/the-9-principles-of-florida-friendly-landscaping-intro/

For the full list of my FFL blog posts, check out – https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/pascoco/author/fgaldo/



About the Author: As the Florida Friendly Landscaping (FFL) Program Coordinator in Pasco County, Frank works with the residents, homebuilders, and businesses of Pasco to help create attractive landscapes that DON’T require a lot of water, fertilizer, and pesticides. Through an innovative collaboration with Pasco County Utilities, the Pasco County FFL Program also provides on-site troubleshooting assistance to individuals and communities identified as high water users. His motto is – Less guesswork, better landscapes.” Frank can be reached at (813)929.2716.

Thirsty for more FFL knowledge? Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook & Twitter!

Have an idea for a future post? Let me know at fgaldo@ufl.edu


About UF/IFAS Extension: UF/IFAS Extension – We are that helpful friend. UF/IFAS Extension serves as a source of non-biased, research-based information for the residents, businesses, and communities of Florida, providing educational materials and programs for adults and youth. We proudly “provide solutions for your life.”


Live in Pasco County? Come learn at one of our workshops! Check out our Eventbrite page for a list of upcoming events: bitly.com/eventbritepasco

(Not in Pasco County? Not a problem! Click here to find your local UF/IFAS Extension office!)

by Frank Galdo

UF/IFAS Extension Is An Equal Opportunity Institution.


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Posted: March 24, 2020

Category: 4-H & Youth, Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Water, Wildlife
Tags: #SaveWaterFL, Activity, Florida Friendly Landscaping, Good Bugs, Integrated Pest Management, Scavenger Hunt, Water Conservation, Wildlife

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