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Tag: Artificial Intelligence

‘Invisible fence’ keeps cattle on ranch, helps protect environment

October 18, 2023

For decades, Jim Strickland has managed and operated Blackbeard’s Ranch in Myakka City. As much as he cares about his cattle, he sees himself as an environmental steward. Strickland, 68, has been in the cattle business since he was a child. ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Blackbeard's Ranch, Cattle, Cell Towers, Computer, Fence, Florida Wildlife Corridor, GPS, GPS Collars, Invisible Fence, Jim Strickland, Joao Vendramini, Movement, Myakka City, Prec-ag, Precision Agriculture, Range Cattle Research And Education Center, Wetlands, Wildlife

From hoops star to AI scientist, UF/IFAS researcher hopes to help Florida farmers protect their soil

August 22, 2023

Basketball took center stage for Nikos Tziolas as he grew up in Greece. It shaped him into a team player, a trait he took into his career as an agricultural engineer. His team even earned second place in the Greek adult (17-18 years old) ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Basketball, Greece, Machine Learning, Nikos Tziolas, Precision Agriculture, Precision-ag, Remote Sensing, Soil, Soil And Water Sciences, Soil Spectroscopy, Soil Water And Ecosystem Sciences, Southwest Florida Research And Education Center, Water

UF/IFAS AI seminars aim to share research advancements

August 10, 2023

The UF/IFAS Faculty AI Working Group (FAWG) is presenting a series of seminars from faculty across UF/IFAS as well as external speakers to build a robust scholarly community on artificial intelligence (AI) and data science. It will provide a ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Chang Zhao, Dana Choi, Digital Twin, Ecosystem Services, Faculty AI Working Group, Food, Nikos Tziolas, Precision-ag, Soil, Tie Liu
bright red strawberries held in the palm of two hands

UF scientists see bright future as they seek savory strawberries – and high yield

June 8, 2023

Strawberry consumers love the fruit’s sweet flavor, and University of Florida scientists are trying to meet that desire, while also helping growers produce high yields. But genes and volatile compounds that control flavor are difficult ... READ MORE

Tags: #AI, Aroma, Artificial Intelligence, Flavor, Genetics, Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, Kevin Wang, Mark Porter, Plant Breeding Ph.D. Program, Precision-ag, Seonghee Lee, Strawberries, Strawberry Breeding, Strawberry Genome, Taste Panels, Vance Whitaker

Now brewing: Coffee research in Florida

June 5, 2023

The United States is consistently among the top coffee-consuming nations in the world, largely importing its favorite beans from South American countries such as Brazil and Colombia. University of Florida researcher Felipe Ferrao says the ... READ MORE

Category: AGRICULTURE, Crops, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: #AI, Ali Sarkhosh, Artificial Intelligence, Charles Sims, Coffee Research, Denise Tieman, Felipe Ferrao, Guilherme Locatelli, HiPerGator, Jonathan Crane, LIFT AI, Lorenzo Rossi, Marcio Resende, Patricio Munoz, Precision Agriculture, Precision-ag, Raquel Dias, SEEDIT, UF Sensory Laboratory, Werner Collante, William Hammond

From a small town in China, engineer helps lead UF/IFAS AI programs to new heights

April 10, 2023

Changying “Charlie” Li comes from humble roots. He was born in the tiny town of Balikun – population about 10,000 – in northwestern China. Now, he’s a new UF/IFAS professor of agricultural and biological engineering, and he’s ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Agricultural And Biological Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Charlie Li, China, Norway, Phenotypes, Precision Agriculture, Robotics, STEM, University Of Georgia

Forum tackles how AI can help deal with global food security

March 13, 2023

With the world’s population predicted to hover around 9.8 billion by 2050, artificial intelligence could help feed people across the globe now and in the future. That makes artificial intelligence (AI) an ideal topic for the third annual Future ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Adegbola Adesogan, Agricultultural And Biological Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Charlie Li, Crops, Diseases, Future Of Food Forum, Harvest, HiPerGator, J. Scott Angle, Karen Garrett, Microbiology And Cell Science, Microcell, Plant Pathology, Raquel Dias, Supply Chain

Using AI technology can find, help control smutgrass, which can take over pastures and cost ranchers plenty

February 2, 2023

Smutgrass can spread quickly and take over grazing lands, leaving cattle with little left to eat. “It can completely invade a pasture within three years, if left untreated. It is quite common to see pastures in Southern Florida that are ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Invasive, Precision Agriculture, Range Cattle Research And Education Center, Smutgrass, UF IFAS Agronomy
Citrus damaged by Hurricane Ian

UF ag engineer to assess crop damage after tropical storms, hurricanes, using AI

January 18, 2023

University of Florida scientists will use artificial intelligence technology to quantify damage to fruits and vegetables caused by extreme weather events, such as Hurricane Ian. When Ian struck on Sept. 28, it brought winds up to 155 mph ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Agricultural And Biological Engineering, Agrosense, Agroview, Artificial Intelligence, Assessment, Crops, Damage, Drones, Extreme Weather, Hurricanes, Model, Southwest Florida Research And Education Center, Yiannis Ampatzidis

‘LIFT AI’ projects show UF/IFAS’ commitment to using artificial intelligence to help solve real-world problems

December 8, 2022

Faster plant breeding and improved mosquito surveillance are among the 11 projects collectively awarded $261,723 by the UF/IFAS Dean for Research Office to solve practical problems via artificial intelligence. To foster research collaborations ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Animal Behavior, Artificial Intelligence, Dean For Research Office, Entomology, Flavor, Gut Microbiome, Launching Innovative Faculty Teams In AI, LIFT AI, Plant Breeding, Precision Agriculture, Research, Yield Prediction

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