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Tag: Teamwork

Five Essentials for Workplace Well-Being

August 2, 2023

Mental health disorders can affect anyone, any time, and anywhere. Certain environments can push the stress button at any given moment, becoming the catalyst in altering our mood and how we think. The workplace is just one example of an ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Professional Development, Relationships & Family, Work & Life
Tags: Employees, Gratitude, Mental Health, Ocextension, Public Health, Surgeon General, Teamwork, Trust, Workplace Well-being

Enhancing Your Scholarly Works Series – How to Report Team Efforts?

November 5, 2021

In a recent in-service-training, Scholarship in Extension 2.0 Virtual Workshop, the Central District Regional Specialized Agents (RSAs) and Associate District Extension Director (DED) reviewed program development implementation and evaluation, ... READ MORE

Category: Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Central District, Central District RSA, POW, Professional Development, Reporting, ROA, Scholarly Nuggets, Scholarly Works, Teamwork, Workload Reporting, Yilin Zhuang

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