Tag: pollution

NCBS Intern Report: Big Bend Aquatic Seagrass Preserve – Coastal Monitoring
December 15, 2021
Written by 2021 Summer Intern, Lisa DeFillips Truly grateful This summer I had the incredible opportunity to work with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in Crystal River. I owe a tremendous thank you to Tim Jones, Trisha ... READ MORE
Category: Coasts & Marine, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Research, Water, WildlifeTags: Coastal Habitat, Coastal Systems, NCBS Interns, Plastic, Pollution, Seagrass, Springs, Water Quality

Stormwater Runoff: When it Rains it Pours
July 1, 2021
Summer is here, and with the heat comes rain. Where does all this rainwater go? Some of it soaks into the ground, some evaporates back into the air, but some also runs off into waterbodies. Rain that runs off the ground is called stormwater ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WaterTags: Development, Green Infrastructure, Impervious, Low-impact Development, Pollution, Runoff, Stormwater, Water

All Drains Lead to the Ocean
June 25, 2021
(This blog post is third in a series recounting a summer internship opportunity for the author. Collaborating with Martin County 4-H Youth Development and Florida Sea Grant extension agents, this account provides a unique perspective on the ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Home Landscapes, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, WaterTags: Environment, Estuary, Florida Sea Grant, IFASwater, Indian River Lagoon, Martin County, Pollution, Storm Water, Youth Development

Do you Live in a Watershed? Yes!
January 15, 2021
Water is essential to life on this planet. It is not only essential for humans, but plants and wildlife rely on it for survival as well. You probably remember learning the water cycle, but did you know you’re currently standing in a watershed? The ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WaterTags: Pollution, Rivers, Runoff, Streams, Water, Water Cycle, Watershed

Why Florida Needs More GI-BMP and FFL
November 6, 2020
When I first started at UF/IFAS, these acronyms meant nothing to me. It took me some time to really understand what they stood for. Now, I see how important they are. GI-BMP stands for “Green Industries Best Management Practices": “What, ... READ MORE
Category: Agriculture, Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Home Management, Horticulture, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife, Work & LifeTags: Algae Bloom, Birds, Donna Torrey, FDACS, Fertilizer License, FFL, Florida Friendly, GI-BMP, LUF, Newsletter, Newsletter2, Pesticide Licenses, Pollution, Water Conservation

New study on mercury contamination has global implications for wildlife conservation
October 26, 2020
Ecologists have long known that mercury contamination reduced the number of viable offspring animals produce. Now, new research indicates that mercury may also make animals less likely to mate in the first place, suggesting that mercury and ... READ MORE
Category: Conservation, Natural Resources, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS Research, Water, WildlifeTags: Everglades, Great Egrets, Jabi Zabala, Mercury, News, Peter Frederick, Pollution, Wildlife Ecology And Conservation

2020 Cedar Key Coastal Cleanup Results
October 7, 2020
Coastal cleanup by the numbers Despite the challenges thrown at us by 2020, this year's "contactless" version of the International Coastal Cleanup was a success! At least 155 volunteers removed nearly 2,700 pounds of trash from local shorelines. ... READ MORE
Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Natural Resources, WaterTags: Cedar Key, Cleanup, Coastal Habitat, Florida Sea Grant, InsideNatureCoast, Marine Debris, NCBS Volunteers, Plastic, Pollution, Recycling