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Tag: Pgm_EcoNR

Be-at-home with Nature series: Happy Gopher Tortoise Day!

April 10, 2020

April 10th is Gopher Tortoise Day! On any given day in the scrub, gopher tortoises may be seen out and about, looking for lunch or basking in the sun. The scrub ecosystem is a rare component of our Florida environment and is home to many ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Be-at-home With Nature, Conservation, Gopher Tortoise, Nature, Pgm_EcoNR, Science, Wild Sarasota, Wildlife
Families, fishermen and birds enjoying sunset at the beach in Naples, Florida. Shore, coast, sundown, fishing, leisure and recreation. UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones.

The necessity of nature

September 24, 2019

Inspired by Richard Louv’s book "Last Child in the Woods," Take A Child Outside Week (Sept. 24-30) was founded to help connect children with nature and to combat what Louv has referred to as "nature-deficit disorder." According to the National ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Natural Resources, Recreation
Tags: Be-at-home With Nature, Children, Conservation, Environment, Nature, Outside, Pgm_EcoNR, Pgm_Sustain, Sustainability, Youth
Intern Amber helps with pond study

Amber’s Adventures: The story of a summer internship

September 13, 2019

By AMBER LOPATINE Intern, UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County Hi! I'm Amber, and I recently completed my summer internship experience with Sarasota County. Keep reading to learn about my summer adventures in Sustainability and Natural Resources. I ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp, Conservation, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Conservation, Environment, Extension, Florida Master Naturalist Program, InternSarasotaLife, Nature, Pgm_EcoNR, Pgm_Sustain, Sustainability, Wildlife

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