Tag: Panhandle Outdoors

The American Alligator: a new nuisance for the panhandle?
September 19, 2017
I recently saw a photograph of an American Alligator (Alligator mississppiensis) crossing Perdido Key Drive on a heavy rain day. This encounter would surprise some, and unnerve many. The majority of the nuisance wildlife calls I receive ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WildlifeTags: Alligator, American, Nuisance, Panhandle, Panhandle Outdoors

DNA Barcoding Our Way into Understanding the Lionfish Problem
September 17, 2017
In the late 1980’s a few exotic lionfish were found off the coast of Dania Florida. I do not think anyone foresaw the impact this was going to have. Producing tens of thousands of drifting eggs per female each week, they began to disperse ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WildlifeTags: Barcoding, Into, Lionfish, Panhandle Outdoors, Problem, Understanding

Lending a Helping Hand after Irma, Harvey, and other Hurricanes
September 13, 2017
In the photo is a Houston area home with storm damage after hurricane Harvey . There are plenty of ways to help. See volunteer and donation opportunities at www.nvoad.org/voad-members/national-members . Photo by Christy Volanski. Recent ... READ MORE
Category: Community Volunteers, Work & LifeTags: After, Hand, Harvey, Helping, Hurricanes, Irma, Lending, Panhandle Outdoors

Bay scallops: a boom and bust lifestyle
August 26, 2017
Many species of animals go through dramatic swings in population numbers over time. For some, these fluctuations are related to the dynamics of a natural symbiotic connection such as a predator-prey relationship. A classic example of this ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WildlifeTags: Boom, Bust, Lifestyle, Panhandle Outdoors, Scallops

Coastal Erosion–a problem with new solutions
August 25, 2017
Life on the coast has tremendous benefits; steady sea breezes, gorgeous beaches, plentiful fishing and paddling opportunities. Nevertheless, there are definite downsides to living along it, too. Besides storms like Hurricane Harvey making ... READ MORE
Category: Natural ResourcesTags: Barrier Islands, Climate, Coastal Erosion, Estuaries, Habitat Conservation, Habitat Restoration, Invasive Species, Living Shoreline, Living Shorelines, Native Plants, Panhandle Habitats, Panhandle Outdoors, Sea Level Rise

So What’s Good with Local Seafood?
August 24, 2017
Shrimping in the Gulf of Mexico. Photo: NOAA Actually, if you like seafood – it’s all good! However, not everyone does and sometimes when this question is asked they are interested in not how it taste but where the seafood ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WildlifeTags: Good, Local, Panhandle Outdoors, Seafood, What’s