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Tag: marine life

Blog series: New One Health definition

August 4, 2022

This is the last entry of our series about the latest definition of One Health by the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP). We have had three of our researchers sharing their thoughts on this new definition and what it means for us ... READ MORE

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Livestock, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Research, Wildlife
Tags: IFAS One Health, Marine Life, One Health, One Health Center, Sustainable Development Goals, Wildlife

Plastics and Earth’s Ocean: Part 2

July 29, 2021

That plastic bottle that you saw floating ashore will eventually enter our food chain. This is Part 2 of a blog series covering plastic pollution in Earth's oceans. Read Part 1 here. Impacts on climate change Oil, gas, and coal are the fossil-fuel ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Climate Change, Marine Conservation, Marine Life, Microplastics, One Health, Plastic Food Chain, Plastic Pollution

Plastic in My Toothpaste?!

November 16, 2015

I didn’t use this title just to catch your attention; I used this title because it’s true. Some toothpaste products actually contain tiny pieces of plastic. Often the “stuff” that makes your toothpaste look pretty is really plastic bits. ... READ MORE

Category: Health & Nutrition, Water, Work & Life
Tags: Contaminants, Fish, Fleece, Florida, Marine Life, Microfiber, Microplastic, Ocean, Plastic, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Sea Turtles, Tampa Bay, Toothpaste, Water Quality

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