Summer Time Boating Safety Stats and Tips!
May 19, 2021
Florida leads the nation with many impressive statistics such as having the most IGFA fishing world records (925), being the state with most amount of coastline in the lower 48 (1,350 miles) and having more boats registered here than any other ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp, Coasts & Marine, Conservation, Disaster Preparation, Events, Health & Nutrition, Natural Resources, Recreation, Relationships & Family, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Work & LifeTags: Accidents, Boating, Canal, Channel, Coast Guard, Collier, Collier County, Dive Flag, Diving, Dock, Education, Fishing, Florida Sea Grant, Fourth Of July, FWC, Life Jackets, Lobster Season, May…, Memorial Day, Mini Season, Naples, Paradise Coast, PFD, Prevention, PWC, Safety, Sandbar, Scallop Season, Scuba, Snorkeling…, Summer, Swimming