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Tag: Jim Strickland

‘Invisible fence’ keeps cattle on ranch, helps protect environment

October 18, 2023

For decades, Jim Strickland has managed and operated Blackbeard’s Ranch in Myakka City. As much as he cares about his cattle, he sees himself as an environmental steward. Strickland, 68, has been in the cattle business since he was a child. ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Blackbeard's Ranch, Cattle, Cell Towers, Computer, Fence, Florida Wildlife Corridor, GPS, GPS Collars, Invisible Fence, Jim Strickland, Joao Vendramini, Movement, Myakka City, Prec-ag, Precision Agriculture, Range Cattle Research And Education Center, Wetlands, Wildlife

Join us for an upcoming ‘Ona Highlight’

August 8, 2018

We invite you to join us on the second Tuesday of each month for the UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center 'Ona Highlight.' These presentations provide an informative look into the research being done by our faculty and students ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, Livestock, Natural Resources
Tags: Betsey Boughton, Conservation Easements, Feral Swine, Feral Swine Managment, Jim Strickland, Joao Vendramini, Limpograss, Pasture Fertilization, Raoul Boughton, Wes Anderson, Wetlands, Wetlands Conservation

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