Tag: good

Planting for Pollinators Part III: Good Bugs/Bad Bugs
October 2, 2017
Once you’ve identified what plants you have in your yard it’s time for the fun part. Shopping! Well, not just yet. First, assess the living conditions where your new plants will be dwelling. Is it sunny or shady? Is your soil acidic ... READ MORE
Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home LandscapesTags: Bad, Bug, Bugs, Florida Friendly, Garden, Good, Host, Landscaping, Larval, Planting, Polinators

So What’s Good with Local Seafood?
August 24, 2017
Shrimping in the Gulf of Mexico. Photo: NOAA Actually, if you like seafood – it’s all good! However, not everyone does and sometimes when this question is asked they are interested in not how it taste but where the seafood ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WildlifeTags: Good, Local, Panhandle Outdoors, Seafood, What’s
Insectary Meadows Provide Food for Pollinators and Homes for Good Bugs
May 2, 2015
European Honey BeesPhoto: Ashley N. Mortensen; University of Florida Bees have been disappearing at an alarming rate and continue to vanish without a trace. Why should anyone care? Well, they matter a lot more than most people think. Bees are ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WildlifeTags: Bugs, Food, Good, Homes, Insectary, Meadows, Panhandle Outdoors, Pollinators, Provide
Be a Good Role Model
May 2, 2015
MyPlate “Roll Model” Set a good example for your family and friends by eating whole grains in meals and snacks. Whole grain rolls, tortillas, hot and cold cereals, breads, pastas, crackers, and brown rice are excellent foods that ... READ MORE
Category: Work & LifeTags: Good, Living Well In The Panhandle, Model, Role
Flavonoids: Good for the Heart!
February 12, 2015
Photo taken by: Marjorie Moore February is heart month, a time to consider including foods in your diet that will benefit your heart. Much has been in the media during the last few years about the positive heart health benefits of blueberries, ... READ MORE
Category: Health & Nutrition, Work & LifeTags: Flavonoids, Good, Heart, Living Well In The Panhandle
Thank You Is Good For Me
November 25, 2014
Gratitude doesn’t have to happen only on World Gratitude Day or around the Thanksgiving table. Happiness researchers have found that expressing gratitude has wide-ranging benefits. Counting your blessings on a frequent basis is associated ... READ MORE
Category: Health & Nutrition, Relationships & Family, Work & LifeTags: Good, Living Well In The Panhandle, Thank