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Join Our Workshop to Manage the Invasion of Cuban Treefrogs!

August 29, 2023

Cuban Treefrogs and Environmental Concerns Discover the fascinating world of Cuban Treefrogs and join us for an exciting workshop aimed at effectively managing their invasion. Led by Dr. Steve Johnson, an expert on Cuban Treefrogs from UF/IFAS ... READ MORE

Category: Invasive Species, Wildlife
Tags: Cuban Treefrogs, Dr. Steve Johnson, Environmental Initiative, Invasion, Invasive Species, Management Options, Protect Native Species, UF IFAS Extension, Workshop
pine forest sunrise

Cautiously optimistic: Study looks for riskiest tree disease spreaders, finds none

February 3, 2022

Fungal disease represents one of the greatest threats to tree industries and forests in the United States. They’re carried by invasive wood borers from overseas. A pre-invasion risk assessment tested 111 fungi samples extracted from ... READ MORE

Category: Forests, Invasive Species, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Entomology, Forestry, Invasion, Jiri Hulcr, Research, School Of Forest Fisheries And Geomatics Sciences

An Early Study Shows the Invasion of the Asian Tiger Shrimp Could Have an Impact on Native Shrimp

September 6, 2016

The Asian Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus monodon) have been reported across the northern Gulf of Mexico for several years now but unlike Cogon grass, Chinese tallow, and Lionfish they have not really made the press. We know they are there, but captures ... READ MORE

Category: Invasive Species, Natural Resources
Tags: Asian, Could, Early, Impact, Invasion, Native, Panhandle Outdoors, Shows, Shrimp, Study, Tiger

Giant African Land Snails (GALS) One year later!

September 17, 2012

WOW! I was able to scout for Giant African snails and here is a proof of it! Please click: Giant African Snail: A year later! to read the article I wrote for the Miami-Dade Chapter of Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association (FNGLA) ... READ MORE

Category: Pests & Disease
Tags: African Snail, Caracol Gigante Africano, Evcampoverde, GALS, Giant African Land Snail, Invasion, Mollusk, Molusco, Pest, Peste

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