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Tag: deforestation

World Environment Day: June 5

June 4, 2024

World Environment Day 2024: Land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience World Environment Day 2024 is celebrated on June 5, marking the 51st anniversary of this global holiday. This year’s theme is “land restoration, desertification ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation
Tags: Climate Change, Conservation, Deforestation, Degradation, Drought, Environment, Pgm_Sustain, Restoration, UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County, World

UF researchers to lead project on deforestation and expanding cities in Ghana

September 27, 2019

Deforestation has significantly impacted West Africa for several decades and Ghana is still experiencing pressures from an increasing population in urban areas. The challenge of identifying land cover change drivers due to the complex interactions ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Natural Resources
Tags: Agricultural And Biological Engineering, Deforestation, Ghana, Land Use, NASA, Research, SERVIR, UFABE, Urbanization, Usaid

UF study: Disease-carrying mosquitoes abound in deforested lands

October 9, 2017

GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- Most disease-transmitting mosquito species live in deforested areas, a finding that may influence decisions on where and when to cut down trees, a new University of Florida study shows. Deforestation occurs when people ... READ MORE

Category: Forests, UF/IFAS, Wildlife
Tags: Amy Vittor, Deforestation, Entomology, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, Nathan Burkett-Cadena, News, Pathogens

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