For many people, the holidays are the happiest time of the year. However, for some people, holidays can also be stressful or even depressing.
Use these suggestions to keep your spirits high this holiday season.
- Eat healthy foods, and avoid overindulging.
- Get enough rest and sleep each night.
- Stay active and exercise, but don’t obsess about it.
- Whether it’s a long bath, a run, or reading, be sure to take some “me” time.
- From shopping lists to holiday activities, avoid frustration down the road by making plans and staying organized.
- Understand that everything can’t be perfect—it’s okay if there are travel delays, sold-out items, etc.
- Cherish the time spent with family and friends.
- Rather than letting someone agitate you, step back and put yourself in their shoes.
- Focus on the positives, and don’t dwell on the negatives.
It’s natural to experience anxiety and depression symptoms during the holidays. However, if these feelings are severe enough to interfere with your normal relationships, seek help from your family doctor.
Adapted and excerpted from:
H. Radunovich, “Managing Stress During the Holidays (FCS5266),” UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences ( 11/2013).
“Making the Most of the Holiday Season,” American Psychology Association (Accessed 12/2014).
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