America Saves Challenge Twitter Chat (#eXASchat)
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Date: Tuesday, February 24, 3 PM EST
Topic: Challenge Yourself to Save Money
Join this special simultaneous Google Hangout and Twitter chat to celebrate America Saves Week and kick off the America Saves Financial Challenge (
Our guests for the discussion on the Google Hangout (video chat) and Twitter chat include Dr. Barbara O’Neill, CFP® (Rutgers University), Ricki McWilliams and Elaine Courtney (University of Florida), Katie Bryan (America Saves program), and Bob Bertsch (North Dakota State University), who will moderate the online video panel.
General Instructions:
- Log in to ( at 3pm EST on Tuesday, February 24
- Insert #eXASchat into the textbox that pops up so you can tweet easily and view the live Twitter stream
- Create valuable content; those who participate will be placed in a drawing for gift cards
- Have fun with and learn from others who are interested in saving money!
Questions That We Will Discuss:
Q1: What is the one single best thing people can do to save money?
Q2: Where is the best place to put savings dollars today?
Q3: What are some good books, Web sites, or other resources about saving money?
Q4: Who are some good savings role models for adults and/or children?
Q5: What are some good ways to “find” money to save?
Q6: Do people’s attitudes and personality traits affect their savings behavior?
Q7: Do you have any good savings success stories (yourself or others)?
Q8: What is the most expensive thing that you saved money for instead of buying on credit?
Q9: What financial goal(s) are you saving money for now?
Q10: What are some good tips to make saving automatic?
Funding for preparation and gift card prizes for this chat was provided by an America Saves Week mini- grant to eXtension ( from the Consumer Federation of America with funding from the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. For more information about the America Saves program and America Saves Week, visit and
To download or print flyer click: America Saves Challenge Twitter Chat Flyer for 02-24-15