Extension Wakulla County

Tag: budgeting

UF/IFAS Wakulla Extension Office Open House June 23, 2012

June 14, 2012

The UF/IFAS Wakulla Extension Office is celebrating the Sesquicentennial of the Morrill Act, also known as the Land-Grant College Act with an open house on June 23, 2012. By Les Harrison Wakulla County Extension DIrector Read More About ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: 4-H, 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture, Bees, Budgeting, Camp, Community, Credit, Debt, Energy, Environment, Extension, Families & Consumers, Family, Family And Consumer Sciences, Farming, FCS, Finances, Florida, Garden, Gardening, General Information, Horticulture, Lawn & Garden, Master Gardener, Money Management, Natural Resources, Pest Management, Sustainable Living, Vegetables, Wakulla Agriculture, Wakulla County Extension

Coping with a Money Crunch

February 23, 2012

Consumer choice is a fundamental problem for all human beings. It is also a complex problem because there are many new products, services, and ways of doing things being developed all the time. It's even more difficult to make decisions when ... READ MORE

Category: Money Matters, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Budgeting, Credit, Debt, Extension, Families & Consumers, Family And Consumer Sciences, Finances, Money, Reduce Debt, Saving, Wakulla, Wakulla County

Charge It?!

February 22, 2012

Credit Management When you hear people say "charge it," "finance it," "buy on time," or "use a payment plan," it is the same as "using credit." Credit means buying something or getting cash now and paying later. When you use credit, you are ... READ MORE

Category: Money Matters, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Budgeting, Charge It, Credit, Debt, Extension, Families & Consumers, Family And Consumer Sciences, Finances, Money, Money Management, Reduce Debt, Saving, Wakulla, Wakulla County

Financial Security Webinar

February 8, 2012

AARP's Financial Security Team will hold a webinar for couples, just a few days shy of Valentine's Day! The webinar, Social Security and Couples, will provide information on Social Security benefits, how benefits may differ depending on whether ... READ MORE

Category: Money Matters, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Budgeting, Credit, Debt, Event, Families & Consumers, Family, Family And Consumer Sciences, FCS, Finances, Management, Money, Reduce Debt, Saving, Wakulla

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