EVENT: Dehydrating Fruits and Vegetables

Dehydrating is one of the oldest forms of food preservation. Join us Sept. 19 for our “Dehydrating Fruits and Vegetables” class to learn why people dehydrate, foods most suitable for dehydrating, the basics of dehydrating fruits and vegetables, what features to look for when purchasing a dehydrator, and more

Advance registration is required. Register early through ufsarasotaext.eventbrite.com to reserve your spot and receive notice of any changes.

Note that there is a $5 fee for this class, to cover the cost of materials used during demonstrations.

For more information, call 941-861-5000 or email sarasota@ifas.ufl.edu.


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Posted: August 29, 2018

Category: Events, Health & Nutrition
Tags: Class, Dehydrate, Dehydrating, Event, Pgm_FCS, Preserve

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