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Tag: tolerance

Finger Limes, unique new options for Florida growers, topic of March symposium

February 17, 2022

LAKE ALFRED, Fla. ---   Finger limes, a unique citrus variety gaining interest among chefs, foodies and citrus growers, will be the topic of an upcoming symposium sponsored by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences ... READ MORE

Tags: Chefs, Citrus Greening Disease, Citrus Research, Citrus Research And Education Center, Finger Limes, Foodies, Hlb, Manjul Dutt, Symposium, Tolerance, USDA-NIFA

UF/IFAS Research Shows Rootstock Influences Metabolism in Sugar Belle® Citrus; Findings Suggest Rootstock Choice May Be One Key to Optimizing Yields and Tree Health

August 3, 2018

By Tom Nordlie ____________________________ GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- Florida citrus growers recognize the Sugar Belle® mandarin hybrid for its tolerance of citrus greening disease, and new findings from the University of Florida Institute ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Citrus Disease Research And Extension Program, Citrus Greening, Citrus Research, Citrus Research And Education Center, Farm Bill, Nabil Killiny, News, Plant Pathology, Rootstock, Specialty Crop Research Initiative, Sugar Belle, Tolerance

Could an 8 million-year-old gene help the citrus industry? UF researchers think so

February 7, 2018

GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- After 100 years of assertions about the roots of citrus, a global group of scientists – including a University of Florida professor – has traced the evolutionary history of Florida’s signature crop up to 8 million ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Breeding, Citrus Research And Education Center, DNA, Fred Gmitter, Genome, Genome Sequencing, Greening, History, Nature, News, Resistance, Tolerance

UF/IFAS researchers awarded $10.5M to work on citrus greening resistance or tolerance

January 19, 2018

GAINESVILLE, Fla. --- With citrus greening devastating Florida’s $8.6 billion-a-year citrus industry, three University of Florida scientists will use $10.52 million in federal grants to study ways to help growers cope with the disease, including ... READ MORE

Category: UF/IFAS
Tags: Arnold Schumann, Citrus Greening, Citrus Research And Education Center, Grants, Michael Rogers, Microbiology And Cell Science, Microcell, News, Nian Wang, Nifa, Resistance, Soil And Water Sciences, Tolerance, Zhonglin Mou