Media Alert: December 3 is Dine In Day

Cutting vegetables and food preparation.

UF/IFAS photo by Tyler Jones

Who: Florida residents are encouraged to prepare and eat a nutritious meal in the company of family, friends or coworkers in honor of Dine In Day, a national program facilitated by family and consumer science agents with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension. Family and consumer sciences agents work throughout the state to deliver programs on nutrition, health and wellness, and money management to Floridians.

What: Though most people know that family meals are important, finding time to sit down and share a meal together can be a challenge. Dine In Day promotes the importance of homemade, group meals in fostering family and community relationships, encouraging healthy diets and stretching food dollars.

Individuals, families and groups can pledge to dine in on Dine In Day at

Diners can also participate on social media by sharing photos and using the hashtags #FCSdayFL and #healthyfamselfie.

According to UF/IFAS experts, homemade, group meals

  • Strengthen group bonds and fosters a sense of security and belonging
  • Encourage more nutritious food choices
  • Reduce risky behavior in youth and improve school performance
  • Teach social skills, cooking skills and table manners
  • Are less expensive than dining out or eating pre-made meals

When: December 3, 2016 – all day event

Where: Kitchens, dining halls and break rooms across Florida

Contact: Michael Gutter, 352-392-1761,


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Posted: October 17, 2016

Category: AGRICULTURE, Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, WORK & LIFE

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