Teen Leadership Council (TLC) Summary Report Aug-Dec 2024

Teen Leadership Council (TLC) Summary Report

Written by Bryce Martin, Reporter

Edited by Spencer Hewitt, Club Leader & 4-H Agent

Earlier this year, the Teen Leadership Council (TLC) kicked off with our annual officer training, which was attended by youth from other clubs as well as TLC members. During this training, we explored essential life skills related to leadership and learned about the responsibilities of each officer’s role in preparation for our yearly officer elections.

Following the elections, we began planning our application for the Community Pride State 4-H Grant. If selected, this grant will provide funds to support a service project. This year, we proposed a project titled “Bats for the Better,” which aims to educate our community about the important role bats play in our ecosystem. To prepare the application, we collaborated as a team to answer various questions, conducted research on animal welfare related to bats and started reaching out to local organizations to identify potential locations for bat houses. If we are awarded the funds, we plan to partner with the 4-H Woodcraft Wonders Club to build and customize the bat houses. We expect to receive notification about the grant’s outcome in January.

On December 10th, TLC will host its annual 4-H Holiday Celebration, which will feature a Christmas and beach theme. This event will include a variety of fun games, a shared meal, a silent auction, and the installation of the 2024-2025 TLC officers. We anticipate welcoming over 100 Nassau County 4-H members to this festive celebration.


Posted: December 19, 2024

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers

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