Project Book and Report Rescue

One of the fundamental building blocks of 4-H Youth Development is the mastery of skills within various topics. One method for helping our members learn in-depth about topics of their interest is through completing project books. Although these books are not required, they are highly encouraged.

Projects books are available in practically every topic and build upon each other in complexity. For some examples visit the curriculum store HERE

Each active member in 4-H can receive 1 project book at a time. Once the project book is complete and the report is finished, they then can choose to go up a level in that project area or try a new one. Youth can earn 1 fair point each year for completing project books.Project books are due June 1st of each year and completed books will be reviewed for recognition and awards at the annual banquet.

Clubs can work on project books as a group or youth can fill one out individually. Many home-school families choose to supplement with this curriculum as well. There are leader guides with answers for each project book to help parents and club leaders.

Project books must be checked and approved by a club leader or agent. This is best done as sections are completed to ensure the youth is properly understanding the material.

Project books go beyond simply answering questions in a workbook. They also provide activities for more like creating posters, visiting leaders in that industry, or even giving small speeches on that topic. These books encourage youth to explore whatever that topic is in-depth through a variety of means. Completed books will be reviewed by an agent, and often a letter is returned with the books after the review.

The Report

As a youth discovers more about a project area, the challenges and experiences along the way can make a difference in their life. This is where the project report comes into play. The project report accompanies the book and is where the youth reports their successes, challenges, helpers, and activities during the project. Youth must include pictures and a story. The project story is a qualitative review of the journey within the subject. Stories can be up to 3 pages long. Project books are a wonderful way to showcase the 4-H member’s experiences that otherwise can go unreported. The reports are by age-category. You can download them below.

Some quick tips on getting the Blue Award on your project books

  • Make sure the answers written are correct.
  • Make all entries legible to read.
  • Avoid scratching out “wrong” answers. Use pencil!
  • Put effort into the project story. This is one of the most important components of the report. Give details about all aspects of your experiences including the challenges, the awards, the really neat activities or so on.
  • Extra pride shows through if you keep your project book neat and organized in a binder. You can use a general binder as you would for school, or purchase specialty covers made by 4-H.
  • Have a leader or parent double check spelling and grammar.
  • Take your time. Project books cannot be completed over a weekend alone. Some may take the whole year!
  • If you could not complete the project book this year, make a plan as how you can finish it later on.
  • Ask for help! Your agents are here to help you. Before getting frustrated call your local 4-H Agent for assistance.


Project Books are one of the many tools 4-H utilizes in helping youth explore their interests and expand their skills. With so many topics to choose from there is bound to be something for everyone!

Teamwork, education and children with class project, working together in Montessori school at desk. Books, help and diversity, young students writing or drawing in notebook for math test or homework.

Featured image by Lumeez/ –


Posted: September 24, 2018

Category: 4-H & Youth, Clubs & Volunteers
Tags: 4-H, Curriculum, Fair Points, Project Books, Project Reports

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