Extension Miami-Dade County

Tag: water

Too Much of a Good Thing—Water Wisely

November 14, 2023

Death by water intake is a real thing. There are documented cases where people have died from drinking too much water, which is called water intoxication, either because of coercion or drug-induced excess thirst. Mama always said that too much ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Water
Tags: Fungi, Rainy Season, Water

4-H Summer Internships in Miami

March 23, 2023

Miami-Dade 4-H offers comprehensive summer internships for rising 10th through 12th-grade high school students enrolled in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The program is a 5-week work-based learning experience in partnership with Miami-Dade ... READ MORE

Category: 4-H & Youth, Agriculture, Camp, Clubs & Volunteers, Curriculum, Events, Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Agriculture, Food, High School, Hydroponics, Internship, Jobs, Summer, Water

Moving Water from the Roots to the Top, How Is This Possible?

November 3, 2021

Water is the most limiting abiotic (non-living) factor to plant growth and productivity, therefore, plants have developed an effective system to absorb, translocate, store, and utilize water. For example, some large rainforest trees can use ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, , Conservation, Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Forests, Home Landscapes, Lawn, NATURAL RESOURCES, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Forest, Landscape, Trees, Water

Happy National Lighthouse Day

August 7, 2020

On August 7, 1789, Congress approved an Act for the establishment and support of lighthouses, beacons, buoys, and public piers (lighthousefoundation.org). Two hundred years later, Congress passed a resolution designating August 7th National ... READ MORE

Tags: Aton, Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park, Biscayne National Park, Boca Chita, Cape Florida, El Farito, Florida Sea Grant, Fowey Rocks, History, Lighthouse, Miami, Ocean, Shipwrecks, Water

Do You Want Your Fruit Trees to Produce? Here’s How!

July 27, 2018

When it comes to your landscape, growing fruit trees is different from most of the other plants in your yard because you have a concrete goal—to produce fruit. In order to reach this goal, you need your trees to be in the best shape possible. ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, , Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Fruits & Vegetables, Horticulture, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Fertilizer, Fruit, South Florida, Tropical, Water

Free Agricultural Water Conservation Fair: 02/19/16

January 13, 2016

Dear Green Industry: You are invited to attend this great Water Conservation Expo and Vendor Fair in West Palm Beach. If you are grower working with irrigation techniques or you want to share your ideas, you can be a speaker in this expo. When: ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Agriculture, Conservation, Crops, Farm Management, Horticulture, Professional Development, UF/IFAS, Water
Tags: Agricultural Operations, Agriculture Water Conservation, Conservation, Irrigacion, Irrigation, SFWMD, South Florida, UF, Water

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