Extension Lake County

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Preserving Strawberries: A Guide to Freezing

February 16, 2024

As we relish the flavors of locally grown strawberries, their sweet aroma and vibrant hues evoke the essence of sunshine captured in each bite. In the wake of Valentine's Day, where strawberries often take center stage, let's dive into the art ... READ MORE

Category: Food Safety, Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition, Relationships & Family, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Food Preservation, Food Safety, Freezing Fruit, Strawberries

Captivating Carnivorous Plants of Central Florida

January 30, 2024

Plants that grow in tropical environments (such as Florida) are faced with nutrient deficient soils.  Many of the swamps and bogs, wet flatwoods, and even dry mesic flatlands are poor in Nitrogen and Phosphorus. These elements are essential ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Forests, HOME LANDSCAPES, Natural Resources
Tags: Bladderworts, Butterworts, Carnivorous Plants, Dionaea, Drosera, Pinguicula, Pitcher Plants, Sarracenia, Sundews, Utricularia, Venus Flytraps

Aromatic Sweet Almond Bush

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December 28, 2023

One of my all time favorite plants in my backyard are my sweet almond bushes. I first discovered these plants as I wandered around a local lawn and garden center, drawn to their wonderful almond scent emanating from its small, white flower ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, HOME LANDSCAPES, Lawn,
Tags: Gardening, Master Gardener Volunteer, Pollinator Garden, Pollinators, Residential Horticulture, Sweet Almond Bush

Reducing Conflicts Between Trees and Power Lines

July 25, 2023

Power is a great luxury enjoyed by many. This is true especially in the Florida summer. We love our air conditioning, functioning fridges, etc. Any time the power goes out, it is stressful. Your house can get hot, your food may go bad, it is ... READ MORE

Category: Florida-Friendly Landscaping, HOME LANDSCAPES, Horticulture, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Trees And Electricity, Trees And Power Lines, Urban Forestry, Utility Forestry

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