4-H Project Selection

4-H Projects

4-H members can choose from various projects focusing on science, engineering, technology, animals, agriculture, food & nutrition, outdoor adventures, marine science, public speaking, art, and wildlife. Any project that a 4-H’ers selects will include experiential learning. In experiential learning, youth learn life skills and use their skills to give back to their communities.

To assist in project selection, consider taking the Project Exploration Quiz: Project Exploration Quiz | Marion (osu.edu) Please note that some of the suggested curricula are not approved by Florida 4-H; please ask the Lake County 4-H Office before using the out-of-state curriculum.

Lake County 4-H Project Books

Please use this link for the Florida 4-H clearinghouse with approved books if you need record books. Florida_4-H_Curriculum-Clearing-House-2019-20.pdf (ufl.edu)

This link includes 4-H record books that have been used in the past by Lake County 4-H’ers. 4-H Record Books – Google Drive.


If you have any questions, please contact the Lake County 4-H Agent – Dallas Meringolo, at hendersond@ufl.edu.


Posted: November 1, 2022

Category: 4-H & Youth
Tags: Project