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Florida Land Steward Update, June 28, 2024 (6/28/2024) by Chris Demers - SOUTHERN PINE BEETLE ASSISTANCE AND PREVENTION PROGRAM NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS Apply by July 26, 2024 The Southern Pine Beetle (SPB) Assistance and Prevention Program is offered to eligible non-industrial private forest landowners by the Florida Forest Service (FFS) through temporary grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service. The program offers partial… more
Yellow flowers against background of green leaves Hot & Dry: Landscape Management for Florida’s Dry Season (6/27/2024) by Michael D'Imperio - Florida's dry season can be a challenge for residential lawns and landscapes. The hot dry conditions can quickly deplete moisture from our sandy soils, leaving turf brown and landscape plants wilted. Because of these conditions, the dry season is typically the time of year when water demands for irrigation are at their highest. Below are… more
Sustainable Fourth of July (6/27/2024) by Kate Albertus - Celebrate America with a Sustainable Fourth of July Cookouts, fireworks, and red solo cups are often the first things you think of when the Fourth of July comes around. America’s birthday is a much-anticipated holiday that can be very memorable and fun. However, after all the grilling, beach trips, get togethers, and firework shows, our… more
Bikes Can Build Relationships (6/27/2024) by ambernorris -   Grab your helmet and let’s go for a bike ride.  Summertime is an opportunity to get out and get a little exercise.  Riding bikes is a fantastic way to spend time and build relationships with family and friends. Biking can activate the feeling of happiness.  Wearing a properly fitting helmet is a state law… more
Updated 4-H Banner 4-H Workforce Preparation – Guides the Pathway to Career Choices (6/27/2024) by johnferguso - 4-H Workforce Preparation is a clear indication that sometimes, we don’t acknowledge the work that goes into the food at our table, and this program gives a hands-on opportunity for the participants to have this insight. Tessa Toman is a senior 4-H member of the Feathers and Furs 4-H club with eight years of active… more
a man holds his aching stomach, with food on a table in the background. [credit: pxhere.com] Factors that might increase your risk for food poisoning (6/27/2024) by Maria Portelos-Rometo - A foodborne illness can affect anyone who eats food contaminated by bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins, or other substances. The actual number of those who succumb to food sickness is unknown, but a 2011 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, estimated that one… more
Onions! Onions! Onions! (6/27/2024) by Brenda Marty-Jimenez - Did you know NATIONAL ONION DAY is celebrated on June 27th? National Onion Day celebrates the incorporation of the National Onion Association back in 1913. The organization was created to protect the interests of America’s onion growers, and onions remain their business to this day. There are over 500 onion producers, shippers, packers, and suppliers… more
Frozen Cookie Dough Ice Cream. Go Easy on the Ice Cream (6/26/2024) by Shari Bresin - Did you know July is National Ice Cream Month?  And rightfully so; summertime and ice cream go hand in hand. You may have heard that ice cream is a way to get calcium in your diet, but it’s also a way to get excess calories, fat, and added sugar in your diet, too.  So while… more
Cantore’s live reports from a UF/IFAS building delivered powerful lesson on storm surge danger (6/26/2024) by Suzette Cook - It was University of Florida IFAS Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Professor Mike Allen who handed a key to veteran Weather Channel Meteorologist Jim Cantore with the following instructions: Once Cantore and his camera crew entered the building, they could not leave until given the all clear. That key was to the UF/IFAS North Coast Biological… more
Estudio evidencia un creciente interés por las costas vivas (6/26/2024) by Luz Bahder - Creado por Megan Winslow, especialista en relaciones públicas de UF/IFAS.  Promover la idea de instalar una costa viva o costa natural se consideraba una batalla perdida. Savanna Barry recuerda a un colega que intentó presentar el concepto durante una reunión de contratistas marítimos hace aproximadamente una década. “Le pidieron que se fuera”, dijo Barry, agente… more
New statewide Extension agent will teach stakeholders about food safety (6/26/2024) by Brad Buck - Growing up in rural Douglas, Georgia (pop. 11,000), Stephanie Brown actively participated in Future Farmers of America. She also liked to watch cooking shows on TV, and she enjoyed science. But she wasn’t sure how to combine food with science. Flash forward a couple of decades, and now she’s the new state specialized agent for… more
Banner pictures of private wells, septic systems, and springs Join Our Private Well and Septic System Webinar Series (6/25/2024) by Yilin -   Are you curious about private wells and septic systems? Whether you’re a homeowner, a real estate professional, or simply interested in understanding these essential components, our three-part webinar series has you covered!   Webinar Schedule Basics of Private Wells Date and Time: August 22, 2 PM - 3 PM ET Cost: Free Topics Covered:… more
Before and After Landscape aerial. Discover Florida: Flip My Yard Season 3 – A Must-Watch for Creating Sustainable Florida-Friendly Landscapes! (6/24/2024) by Ashley Ellis - Introduction to Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ (FFL) Whether you’ve recently moved to Florida or have lived here for years, you’ve likely faced gardening challenges. To help, local governments, regulatory agencies, landscaping professionals and University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agriculture Services (UF/IFAS) collaborated to create the Florida-Friendly LandscapingTM (FFL) program. This program offers guidance on low-impact,… more
Florida Land Steward Update, June 21, 2024 (6/21/2024) by Chris Demers - REPORT ALL YOUR WILD TURKEY SIGHTINGS THIS SUMMER (JUNE 1 – AUGUST 31) In addition to slowing down a bit and spending some time by the water, summertime means keeping an eye out for turkeys! The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC's) 2024 wild turkey summer survey has launched. Landowners, citizen scientists, conservationists, hunters,… more
Mosquito on skin Mosquito FAQs (6/21/2024) by Jackie Lebouitz - Mosquitoes can be a nuisance, especially the species that pose a public health risk. Below are some of the common questions we receive from our clients at UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County and Sarasota County's Mosquito Management Services. Why do we manage mosquitoes? As mentioned above, some mosquitoes pose a public health risk. These are species… more
youth and adults recording a podcast Learning Communication Skills: Producing the Wakulla County 4-H Podcast (6/20/2024) by Dr. Rachel Pienta - What is a Podcast? Podcasts are digital recordings that usually involve a theme or specific topic.  These recordings can be downloaded for convenient listening on phones and other digital devices. The first mention of podcasts was noted in 2004 (Pew Research, 2006). By 2007, twelve land-grant institutions had adopted podcast technology to support their Extension… more
fresh fish on ice in cooler. [credit: uf/ifas] Why Does There Seem to be More Foodborne Illness Outbreaks? (6/20/2024) by Maria Portelos-Rometo - More and more often, we hear news of an outbreak of a foodborne illness or food recall. Has something changed? Well, yes... actually, several things. There are several reasons why we hear of more food recalls. One reason is better surveillance and detection by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act… more
Cooling ‘blood oranges’ could make them even healthier – a bonus for consumers (6/20/2024) by Brad Buck - An orange teeming with antioxidants and other health benefits may be a shot in the arm for consumers and citrus growers, if the fruit is stored at cool temperatures, a new University of Florida study shows. But it’s too soon to know if the so-called “blood oranges” are a viable crop for the Florida citrus… more
Red Tide, Fisheries Modeling and Citizen Science: Casting a Line to Anglers and Gulf of Mexico Stakeholders for Better Data! (6/19/2024) by Michael Sipos - In fisheries management, setting the acceptable biological catch (ABC) is vital to ensure sustainable harvest without overexploiting fish stocks. The ABC determines how much fish can be harvested each year, and is estimated using a stock assessment model that brings together multiple data sources to estimate fish abundance and productivity.  However, in the Gulf of… more
closeup of a mound of fresh cucumbers. [credit: pixabay.com, renee olmsted photography] Check your Refrigerator for Recalled Cucumbers (6/17/2024) by Maria Portelos-Rometo - Cucumbers believed to be contaminated with salmonella have been recalled in Florida and 13 other states, including Illinois and New York. If you recently purchased cucumbers at your grocery store, it's important to take the time to contact your grocer to verify if they are part of the recall. The federal Centers for Disease Control… more
Woman holding credit card Credit Reports & Scores: The Free Access Evolution (6/17/2024) by Lisa Leslie - The federal law, Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) of 2003 requires the 3 national credit reporting agencies – Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian – to annually provide 1 free credit report from each agency to consumers who submit a request. FACTA also requires consumers to be allowed to purchase their credit score for a… more
Florida Land Steward Update, June 14, 2024 (6/14/2024) by Chris Demers - GET YOUR FARM RECORDS COMPLETED NOW TO BE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY FOR USDA HURRICANE RECOVERY ASSISTANCE Storm season is here. As a part of your hurricane preparation activities, you should have your farm records completed with USDA Farm Service Agency. Within weeks of a major storm or other disaster, recovery assistance for agricultural producers and… more
Yellow flower from a luffa plant. Photo taken 07-19-22. UF/IFAS Photo by Cat Wofford Summer Style! ABCs of Edible Gardening for Your Newcomer Kit (6/14/2024) by Mindy Hanak - Yes, you CAN grow food in Florida year-round. BUT it is important to take a few things into consideration before taking the sweaty plunge into hot season vegetable gardening. Here we aim to share garden tasks and ideas that are seasonally appropriate for Florida in the summer. You can pick and choose what suits your… more
Be Prepared for an “Above Normal” Hurricane Season (6/13/2024) by Andra Johnson - The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season is here. Are you ready? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting an "above normal" Atlantic Hurricane Season this year.  That means we can expect 17-25 named storms between June 1 and November 30, with 4-7 likely to be major hurricanes. Forecasters have 70% confidence in these ranges. It… more
Virtual Homebuyer Workshop Starts July 19, 2024 (6/13/2024) by Cindi Hetz - First Time Homebuyer Workshop Sessions 1 & 2 July 19, 2024 & July 26, 2024 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM   These sessions take participants through the steps to home ownership, working with a realtor, understanding credit, qualifying for a mortgage, housing affordability, and down payment assistance. Participants attending both sessions are awarded a certificate… more
Spice Up Your Life: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marjoram (6/13/2024) by Julia Sirchia - Are you a fan of fresh aromatic herbs in your dishes? If so, growing marjoram right at home might just become your new favorite hobby. In this guide, we'll explore how to grow marjoram at home. We’ll highlight growing conditions, pest and disease management strategies, and seasonal considerations specific to marjoram cultivation in Central Florida.… more
Harvesting Health: Medicinal Plants for the Central Florida Garden (6/12/2024) by Heather Kalaman - Central Florida's ample sunlight and moderate rainfall create optimal conditions for cultivating a diverse array of herbs celebrated for their medicinal qualities. Gardeners and herbal enthusiasts in the region can establish vibrant medicinal gardens that not only showcase the aesthetic beauty of these plants, but also serve as reservoirs of natural remedies. Whether incorporated into… more
4-H Food Challenge – A Project vs A Program 4-H Food Challenge – A Project vs A Program (6/11/2024) by johnferguso - A project vs a program. Relating to a famous Food Show such as Chopped on Television, 4-H has its version of a cook-off contest called 4-H Food Challenge. This may be a 4-H project vs a program of interest.  Anyone with interest in Foods and Nutrition, Healthy Living, Food Sciences, or the Culinary Arts, this… more
Basics of Landscaping in Florida–Bilingual Booklet in the UF/IFAS Bookstore (6/6/2024) by Hannah Wooten - Better landscaping practices are good for Florida! Even though Florida has a lot of water resources, there are also a lot of people and industries sucking from the tap...and more keep coming. Long story short, Floridians need to conserve clean water so we always have enough affordable water now and into the future. How we… more
Salvia officinalis with green leaves is a big bush. Back of the leaves of the sage. Salvia officinalis. Spice Up You Life: A Beginners Guide to Growing Sage (6/6/2024) by Julia Sirchia - Do you enjoy cooking with fresh herbs or admiring them in your garden? If so, growing sage at home could become your new favorite hobby. In this guide, we'll explore how to grow Sage in Central Florida, featuring varieties that thrive in the region, essential growing conditions, pest and disease management, and seasonality. Commonly Grown… more
Building Blocks Building Blocks of Financial Stability (6/5/2024) by Lisa Leslie - Let's talk about the essential elements you need to build a rock-solid financial future. Think of it like building your dream house – you need to start with a solid foundation. Below are four key building blocks to consider. Make More than You Spend: It's basic math, but it can be a challenge. Income needs… more
Planned giving strategies to maximize your impact (6/5/2024) by IFAS Advancement - Join Alex Pribil, J.D. from UF’s Office of Estate and Gift Planning and John Ramfjord from the UF/IFAS Advancement Office to discover how you can create a legacy that reflects your values and supports the causes you care about. UF/IFAS Planned Giving Webinar June 26th, 2024 10:00–11:00AM EST Zoom, Register Here Gift planning strategies help… more
Chainsaws post hurricane (6/5/2024) by Christine Jackson - Hurricane season is officially upon us here in Florida. June 1st – October. There is a lot to do to prepare for the storms that may or may not come. In this post, we are going to talk about using chainsaws post-storm. Post hurricane there may be trees down that need to be cut and… more
multiple palm trees blowing in hurricane winds Is Your Home Ready for the 2024 Hurricane Season? (6/5/2024) by Jenny Rodriguez - "A Hurricane? I hope it doesn't come our way, I'm not ready!" How many times has the storm caught you completely unprepared? Each year, we face the inevitable hurricane season commencing on June 1st and extending for 6 months, with storms consistently peaking in August and September. As with every hurricane season, early preparation is… more
Rainbow Celebrate LGBT Pride Month in June (6/4/2024) by Ken Gioeli - LGBT Pride Month Background Why do people celebrate LGBT Pride month in June?  It is celebrated every June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in NYC.  If you live in South Florida like I do, you can visit the Stonewall National Museum and Archives in Fort Lauderdale to learn more about the Stonewall Uprising.  Pride… more
Headshots of Helena Bottemiller, Dr. Christa COurt, and Dr. Sabine Grunwald against a backdrop photo of a hurricane Future of Food Forum 2024 – Panel Recap: Threats to Food Systems Resilience (6/4/2024) by Alejandro Sanchez - Welcome to our new blog post series about the topics covered at the 2024 Future of Food Forum: Resilient Food Systems: Beyond the Rhetoric, the flagship event here, at the Global Food Systems Institute. It was a day to remember, loaded with insights and opinions from experts in the field of food systems, and we… more
Hand on a computer keyboard. Photo taken 10-27-21. UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones. Learning about Clickbait (6/3/2024) by Amanda Quintos - Years ago, I encountered a particularly trying and prolonged problem. I was unsure how to work through it, so I turned to the Internet for possible answers or ways forward, as many people do. I sifted through multiple web pages whose titles boldly announced set numbers of clear and simple steps that would guarantee my… more
Free business-planning, tax management workshop for farmers and ranchers at UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade (6/3/2024) by Lourdes Mederos - Operating an agribusiness such as a farm or ranch successfully requires strong financial skills to ensure profitability and sustainability. Agribusiness managers can enhance their business operations by filing tax returns that take advantage of proper deductions and credits. Other relevant business skills include: How to set up a robust business plan with solid strategies. How… more
Are You Considering Homeownership? (5/30/2024) by Terri Keith - Tired of renting and thinking about buying a house? Not sure where to start? Let’s talk about some of the first steps in the path to homeownership. Many people don’t realize that making the decision to buy a home and the process to buy one isn’t a one-size-fits-all step. There are many emotions and considerations… more
Meet UF/IFAS Extension Orange County’s Newest Agent! (5/30/2024) by Patrick Zayas - Hello, it's nice to meet you! I am Patrick Zayas, the newest Extension Agent at UF/IFAS Extension Orange County. I joined the Family and Consumer Sciences team in February so I feel it's time for an introduction. I am originally from New Jersey, but Florida has been my home since 2005 and after living here… more
image of 4 kids doing crafts at a table covered in green paper Counter the Summer Slide with 4-H Resources (5/30/2024) by Melinda Souers - The summer school break has begun, and most students are happy to stop thinking about learning and focus on fun instead. The debate may be ongoing regarding summer academic loss but most educators agree that engaging kids in hands-on activities over summer creates opportunities to spark their interests and reinforces academic learning. (Brookings, 2017) Consider… more
Four edible perennials you can plant in your yard Cultivating a Food Forest in Your Yard (5/29/2024) by David Austin - To grow your food is to know your food Step outside your door and gather the ingredients for a salad or pick some fruit for breakfast. It wasn't so long ago that people lived that way and grew much of what they ate. With the convenience of grocery stores, we probably won't go back to… more
fruits and vegetables Do Fruits & Vegetables Have Superpowers? (5/28/2024) by Lori Johnson - Over and over throughout our lives, we are told to eat our fruits and veggies because they are healthy. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans' most recent report shows that almost 90% of the population in the United States does not consume the recommended amounts of vegetables daily, and 80% do not consume the recommendations for… more
Un estudio de University of Florida revela que el extracto de cáscara de naranja puede mejorar la salud del corazón (5/28/2024) by Luz Bahder - Creado por Brad Buck, especialista sénior en relaciones públicas de UF/IFAS.  Las cáscaras de naranja pueden ser la clave para una mejor salud cardiovascular, según muestra una nueva investigación dirigida por University of Florida. Según American Heart Association, de los adultos hispanos mayores de 20 años en los Estados Unidos durante el periodo del 2015… more
UF study shows orange peel extract may improve heart health (5/28/2024) by Brad Buck - Orange peels may hold a key to better cardiovascular health, new University of Florida-led research shows. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women and people of most racial and ethnic groups, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recent research has shown that some gut bacteria help develop cardiovascular… more
Making Astringent Persimmon Edible (5/24/2024) by Gillian McGuire - Trying new things is a healthy part of life. Even the small stuff counts, such as trying a fruit you have never tasted before. You just have to hope the risk of trying new things plays out well and not poorly. I raise you this: sometimes it is both. What happens when you decide to… more
There is an image of a picnic table with red and white checkerboard table cloth. On the tablecloth from left to right there is an image of a pitcher of lemonade, red blue and red stacks of cups, a drinking bottle that says lets grill, a bowl of pickles, a plate of hamburger buns, a platter of veggie kabobs, a bowl of salsa, a plate of hot dog buns, a squeeze container of both mustard and ketchup and a paper basket with paper and food in it. Safe Picnics and Barbecues: Protect your Outdoor Meals from Bacteria (5/24/2024) by Elizabeth Shephard - The warmth of the sun, the singing of birds, and the aroma of grilled food remind us that it's time for picnics and barbecues. But did you know that it's crucial to keep your food safe from bacteria while enjoying it outdoors? Additionally, it's useful to know what your favorite dishes contribute to your overall… more
An image of the Myakka River at Sunset, with golden light reflecting on the surface. Wild and Scenic: A Day in the Life of a Biologist on the Myakka River Part 1 (5/24/2024) by Zahir Ringgold Cordes - There are many places worth understanding and protecting here in Sarasota County. From acres of imperiled scrub that provides habitat for threatened species and uniquely adapted plant life, to vital mangrove forests that protect our coastlines and serve as a safe haven for the ocean’s next generation. East of Interstate 75 lies over 37,000 acres… more
An image of the Myakka River at Sunset, with golden light reflecting on the surface. Wild And Scenic: A Day in the Life of a Biologist on the Myakka River Part 2 (5/24/2024) by Zahir Ringgold Cordes - Myakka River State Park, formally established and opened to visitors in 1941, is one of Sarasota County’s unique and precious treasures. In late January, I had the opportunity to join a Florida Department of Environmental Protection biologist at Myakka River State Park to survey 14 miles of the Myakka River by kayak, to better understand… more
An image of the Myakka River at Sunset, with golden light reflecting on the surface. Wild and Scenic: A Day in the Life of a Biologist on the Myakka River Part 3 (5/24/2024) by Zahir Ringgold Cordes - Myakka River State Park, formally established and opened to visitors in 1941, is one of Sarasota County’s unique and precious treasures. In late January, I had the opportunity to join a Florida Department of Environmental Protection biologist at Myakka River State Park to survey 14 miles of the Myakka River by kayak, to better understand… more

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