ENGAGING ASPIRING VETERINARIANS THROUGH 4-H SUMMER CAMP C.L. Woodard, Seminole County 4-H Extension Agent, Seminole County, Sanford, FL, J.K. Yarborough, UF/IFAS Extension, Seminole County, Sanford, FL., S.T. Michael, F/IFAS Extension, Central District, FL. A.M. House, UF CVM, Gainesville, FL.
April 15, 2019
Situation: According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics employment in S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) careers is projected to grow to more than 9 million between 2012 and 2022 with Veterinarians having an ... READ MORE
Category: 4-H & Youth, Camp, Clubs & Volunteers, UF/IFAS ExtensionTags: 2019, 2019 UF/IFAS Central District Symposium, 4-H, 4-H Youth Development, House Veterinarian, Michael, Summer Camp, Woodard, Yarborough