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Tag: wireworms

Sugarcane Pest Management

April 11, 2016

[Tweet "Some bugs love feasting on sugarcane. Find out who they are! #UFBugs http://bit.ly/1MpVG8K"]Sugarcane is an economically important crop in Florida, ranking behind only the greenhouse/nursery industry and the citrus industry in the state’s ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Pests & Disease
Tags: Agriculture Hot Topic, Lesser Cornstalk Borer, Sugarcane, Sugarcane Borer, Sugarcane Pests, White Grubs, Wireworms, Yellow Sugarcane Aphid
Sweet potatos

Sweet Potato Pest Management

November 23, 2015

You may be familiar with sweet potatoes among Thanksgiving dinner tables, but these crops thrive in Florida’s hot summers. The colorful potatoes are grown throughout the state and are good sources of vitamins A and C. Unfortunately, the potatoes ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Farm Management, Horticulture, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot Topic
Tags: #ufbugs, Agriculture, Agriculture Hot Topic, Banded Cucumber Beetle, Crops, Fruits And Vegetables, Horticulture, Pest Management, Silverleaf Whitefly, Sweet Potato Weevil, Sweet Potatoes, Wireworms

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