Tag: waterways

UF/IFAS Florida Sea Grant survey seeks boater input on existing and needed resources
August 17, 2023
Florida Sea Grant wants to hear from boaters to gauge their understanding of boating activities and practices. More specifically, they want to know what and where additional sewage disposal resources are needed from boaters while traveling ... READ MORE
Category: Coasts & Marine, Natural Resources, Recreation, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS ResearchTags: Boating, Boating Activities, Boating Practices, Clean Oceans, Clean Rivers, Clean Water, Florida Fish And Wildlife Conservation Commission, Florida Sea Grant, National Marine Manufacturers, News, Recreational Boating, Recreational Watercrafts, Sewage Disposal, Sunshine State, Survey, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Florida Sea Grant Agents, Watercraft, Waterways

Hydrilla: A Growing Problem for Florida Waterways
July 9, 2014
About Hydrilla Hydrilla , the invasive freshwater plant, is spreading throughout Florida and at least twenty other states. It causes damaging infestations that choke out native plants, clog flood control structure, and impede waterway navigation ... READ MORE
Category: Natural Resources, WaterTags: Aquatic Weeds, Aquatics, Freshwater, Hydrilla, Invasive, Waterways