May 2023 Class List
April 27, 2023
Join us at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension office for some fun learning experiences this May! Below is our current class list for the month. Mother's Day Charcuterie Board Basics May 3 | 6 pm – 8 pm Mom’s and kids of all ages, celebrate ... READ MORE
Category: EventsTags: 4-H, Adulting, Backyard Chicken, Bright Futures, Bycatch Reduction Devices, Canning, Car Seat Safety, Charcuterie, Charcuterie Board, Child Passenger Saftey, Child Safety, Commercial Landscaping, Crab Traps, Day Camp, Florida, Florida Friendly, Florida Friendly Fishing, Florida Wildlife, Food Handlers, Food Handlers Certification, Food Preservation, Food Safety, Golf Association, Hunter Safety, Invasive Species, Livestock, Outdoor Skills, Pasture Management, Pest Control, Pesticide, Pests, Poultry, Pressure Canning, Seminar, Soil Improvement, Space Coast Golf & Turf Association, Summer Camp, Turf, Turf Management, Turfgrass, Volunteer Opportunities, Volunteering, Water Bath Canning, Youth Development