ADA is part of the DNA of UF/IFAS
July 20, 2023
Through a project called Florida AgrAbility, Serap Gorucu tries to ensure that everyone – even those with functional limitations -- can operate the technology and machinery on the farm where they work. “Agricultural producers must ... READ MORE
Category: UF/IFASTags: Agricultural And Biological Engineering, Allen Wysocki, Americans With Disabilities Act, Beekeeper, Closed-captioning, College Of Agricultural And Life Sciences, Document Accessiblity, Event Training, Faculty, Farmers, Florida Agrability, Jerry Fankhauser, Parking, Roche Teaching Scholars, Saqib Mukhtar, Serap Gorucu, Spanish, Students, Tram, Trans-creating, Translating, Tropical Research And Education Center, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research