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Tag: reptiles

May is American Wetlands Month

May 22, 2020

While we are honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military this Memorial Day weekend, don't forget that May is also the American Wetlands Month. What is American Wetlands Month? American Wetlands Month was founded ... READ MORE

Category: Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Amphibians, Birds, Constructed Wetlands, Habitat, Reptiles, Wastewater Treatment, Water, Water Quality, Water Treatment, Wetland, Yilin Zhuang
Close up photo of a large green iguana

Nonnative Lizards in Central Florida

October 17, 2017

Plants and animals that live outside of their native ranges as a result of human activity are known as nonnative species. Although not all nonnative species become invasive, those that do have the ability to harm ecology, economy, and human ... READ MORE

Category: Invasive Species, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Central Florida, Commonly Confused, Critter Corner, Invasive Species, Nonnative Species, Paxton Evans, Reptiles, Shannon Carnevale

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