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Tag: Luke Flory

prescribed fire in a research plot

UF study shows how climate change can worsen impact of invasive plants

February 8, 2022

A new long-term study shows how climate change and invasive plants can have synergistic effects on a native tree species. The study tested the effects of prescribed fire on long-leaf pines grown under different conditions: drought, invasive ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Forests, Invasive Species, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Agronomy, Climate Change, Cogongrass, Luke Flory, News

UF researchers to use AI to predict how hurricanes spread invasive plants

March 8, 2021

Scientists project hurricane intensity and frequency will increase with climate change. That leads researchers to want to better predict how storms will disperse and establish nonnative plant invaders. Knowing where invasive plants spread ... READ MORE

Category: Invasive Species
Tags: #aiatuf, Agronomy, Artificial Intelligence, Dispersal, Ecology, Herbert Wertheim College Of Engineering, Hurricanes, Hyperspectral Imaging, Invasive Plants, Luke Flory, Nonnative Plants, Seeds, Spores

UF/IFAS Industrial Hemp virtual workshop available Jan. 11

January 7, 2021

The UF/IFAS Industrial Hemp Pilot Program is launching a virtual workshop with research and program updates, available online beginning January 11 for $40. The workshop consists of a collection of pre-recorded lectures and prepared documents ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, SFYL Hot Topic
Tags: Agronomy, Gulf Coast Research And Education Center, Hemp, Industrial Hemp, Industrial Hemp Research Project, Johan Desaeger, Luke Flory, Mid-Florida Research And Education Center, Tropical Research And Education Center, Virtual Workshop, Workshop, Zack Brym

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