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Tag: grove

University of Florida citrus nutrition consulting program to continue; new participants wanted

January 26, 2021

By: Ruth Borger LAKE ALFRED, Fla. --- University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences citrus researchers have found that following the appropriate nutritional and irrigation guidelines designed for a specific grove is one ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Pests & Disease, SFYL Hot Topic
Tags: Citrus, Citrus Greening Disease, Citrus Nutrition, Citrus Research, Citrus Research And Education Center, Extension Agent, Grove, Tree Health

Cold Protection of Florida Citrus: Microsprinkler Irrigation

January 25, 2018

Millions of boxes of fruit and thousands of acres of citrus trees have been lost in freezes and frosts. More than nearly any other factor, freezes have caused some of the most dramatic changes in fruit supply, availability, and price. Thus, ... READ MORE

Category: Agribusiness, Crops, Disaster Preparation, Farm Management, Fruits & Vegetables, Home Landscapes, Work & Life
Tags: Citrus, Cold, Cold Protection, Freeze, Grove, Protection

New Pest alert: Lizards in South Florida

September 26, 2012

Do you have a lizard invading your grove or nursery in Miami-Dade County? Check this out! And share it with your friends. In 3 languages (English, Spanish and Creole) thanks to collaboration between The University of Florida Extension and ... READ MORE

Category: Natural Resources
Tags: Evcampoverde, Everglades, Grove, Invasive Species, Invasoras, Lagartijas, Lizards, Nursery, Pest, Plaga, South Florida, Sur De Florida