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Tag: green infrastructure

Rain garden bioswale and plants at a park in the city of Cape Canaveral

Smart Rain Garden Series – Why a Rain Garden in the City?

November 6, 2024

Droppin’ In at the Smart Rain Garden #5 in a series of 5 write-ups to introduce the processes and technology at work in the City of Cape Canaveral's Veterans Memorial Park "Smart" Rain Garden. Please join us for all the posts in this series. ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Disaster Preparation, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Florida Sea Grant, Green Infrastructure, Indian River Lagoon, Sea Level Rise, Stormwater
Rain garden bioswale and plants at a park in the city of Cape Canaveral

Smart Rain Garden Series – Why Veterans Memorial Park?

October 30, 2024

Droppin’ In at the Smart Rain Garden #4 in a series of 5 write-ups to introduce the processes and technology at work in the City of Cape Canaveral's Veterans Memorial Park "Smart" Rain Garden. Please join us for all the posts in this series. ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Disaster Preparation, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Florida Sea Grant, Green Infrastructure, Indian River Lagoon, Sea Level Rise, Stormwater
Rain garden bioswale and plants at a park in the city of Cape Canaveral

Smart Rain Garden Series – How does filtration work?

October 23, 2024

Droppin’ In at the Smart Rain Garden #3 in a series of 5 write-ups to introduce the processes and technology at work in the City of Cape Canaveral's Veterans Memorial Park "Smart" Rain Garden. Please join us for all the posts in this series. ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Disaster Preparation, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Florida Sea Grant, Green Infrastructure, Indian River Lagoon, Sea Level Rise, Stormwater
Rain garden bioswale and plants at a park in the city of Cape Canaveral

Smart Rain Garden Series – What is a bioswale?

October 16, 2024

Droppin’ In at the Smart Rain Garden #2 in a series of 5 write-ups to introduce the processes and technology at work in the City of Cape Canaveral's Veterans Memorial Park "Smart" Rain Garden. Please join us for all the posts in this series. ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Disaster Preparation, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Florida Sea Grant, Green Infrastructure, Indian River Lagoon, Sea Level Rise, Stormwater
Rain garden bioswale and plants at a park in the city of Cape Canaveral

Smart Rain Garden Series – What happens during and after a rain event?

October 2, 2024

Droppin’ In at the Smart Rain Garden #1 in a series of 5 write-ups to introduce the processes and technology at work in the City of Cape Canaveral's Veterans Memorial Park "Smart" Rain Garden. Please join us for all the posts in this series. ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Disaster Preparation, Natural Resources, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Florida Sea Grant, Green Infrastructure, Indian River Lagoon, Sea Level Rise, Stormwater


April 26, 2022

Florida is known as the Sunshine State. In fact, it rains a lot here. The annual rainfall amounts range from 40 to 60 inches depending on the location (Florida Climate Center. 2016), which in turns generates a lot stormwater runoff. When it ... READ MORE

Category: Conservation, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Lawn, Natural Resources, Water, Wildlife
Tags: #WaterWednesday, GI, Green Infrastructure, Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Low-impact Development, Stormwater, Water Wednesday

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