All About Cottage Food
August 23, 2019
The Florida Cottage Food Law of 2011 has opened many opportunities for up-and-coming food entrepreneurs in the state. This allows individuals to manufacture, sell, and store certain types of food products in an unlicensed home kitchen located ... READ MORE
Category: Food Safety, Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS Extension, , Work & LifeTags: Benefits, Benefits Of Cottage Food Operations, Complaints, Cottage Food Label, COTTAGE FOOD LAW, Cottage Food Operators, Creating Job Opportunities, Farmers Markets, Flea Market, Food Safety, Hazardous Foods, Internet Sales, Kitchen Inspection, Labeling, Local Economy, Local Foods, Regulatory Requirements, Requirements, Selling To Consumers, Starting A Cottage Food Business In Florida, Time And Temperature Control, Unlicensed Home Kitchens