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Tag: Duties

Tasks and Duties throughout the Life Cycle of a Worker Honey Bee

August 22, 2022

Have you ever wondered where the saying, “busy like a bee” comes from? Well, it comes from the worker honey bee - known to be the most active bee of their species, Apis millifera, as they are faced with many different tasks and duties throughout ... READ MORE

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Tags: Acknowledge, Apis Mellifera, Bugs, Colonies, Colony, Cycle, Drones, Duties, Duty, Eggs, Honey, Honey Bee, Insects, Laying Workers, Life, Life Cycle, Nectar, Needs To Bee Protected, Pollen, PolliNATION, Pollinator, Pollinators, Queen, Save The Bees, Task, Tasks, Worked, Worker Honey Bee, Workers, Working

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