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Tag: citizen scientist

Horseshoe crab shells.

Citizen science opportunity closing quickly… don’t miss it

September 13, 2019

Did you know that horseshoe crabs have been around for at least 445 million years? Fossil records from prehistoric horseshoe crabs look very similar to existing horseshoe crabs, with not much change. And, that is why some people refer to them ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Community Volunteers, Natural Resources, Wildlife
Tags: Citizen Science, Citizen Scientist, Florida Sea Grant, Horseshoe Crab, Pgm_Marine, Research, Volunteer, Wildlife
Horseshoe crab shells.

Volunteers needed for horseshoe crab project

May 24, 2019

Often, when I meet people, they ask me. "What do you do?" When I tell them I’m a marine biologist, I get replies like, “Cool, I always wanted to be a marine biologist" or "I wish I could do that." Here’s your chance. We are looking ... READ MORE

Category: Coasts & Marine, Community Volunteers, Conservation, Natural Resources, Professional Development, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research, Water, Wildlife
Tags: Citizen Scientist, Florida Sea Grant, Horseshoe Crabs, Marine Education, Pgm_Marine, Volunteer

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