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Category: Lawn

What’s the difference between an insect and a bug?

May 6, 2014

Let's start with the easy part- defining what an insect is. An insect is a type of organism in a larger group called arthropods, which are cold-blooded creatures with an exoskeleton and no backbone. An insect ( like the roach below) is an arthropod ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Crops, Florida-Friendly Landscaping, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Bug, BugWeek, Entomology, FAQ, Insects

Spring Fever or Lawn Headache

April 21, 2014

With the cold, wet weather that has persisted this winter, I predict a good dose of spring fever this year. But be careful when the fever hits you. Don’t fertilize your lawn too early. The fever may turn into a lawn headache. Wait to fertilize. ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Lawn

Monitor for Mole Crickets in Lawns

April 21, 2014

Many people treat their lawn with an insecticide when they see mole crickets in the spring or at the first sign of a brown area in their lawn. What they don't understand is the biology of this pest. Mole crickets spend the winter as adults ... READ MORE

Category: Lawn, Pests & Disease

Weeds VS Lawns, Who Wins?

April 21, 2014

Is it possible to have a weed-free yard? This is a good question to consider as you set out to achieve the weed-free yard. A weed is simply a plant out-of-place or an unwanted plant. For example, bermudagrass is intentionally planted on some ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Lawn

New on Featured Creatures! Tussock moths.

March 19, 2014

We are pleased to announce a new article on Featured Creatures! Take a sneak peek with this excerpt from the article: Tussock moths in the genus Orgyia are small moths that are best-known because of their attractive larvae. ABOVE: ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Forests, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn, Natural Resources, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Recreation
Tags: Featured Creatures, FL Natives, Moths, Pest Alert, UF-IFAS Pest Alert

Rose Rosette Disease Workshop and In-service Training

March 11, 2014

The recent discovery of rose rosette disease (RRD) in Florida threatens the State's $20 million rose nursery industry as well as retail sales and landscape use. RRD is caused by rose rosette virus that is vectored by an eriophyid mite. Already ... READ MORE

Category: Agriculture, Home Landscapes, Horticulture, Lawn, Pests & Disease, Pests & Disease, Professional Development, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension
Tags: Pest Alert, Rose Rosette Disease, Workshops

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