ASK SHELLEY: Does College Son Need Renter’s Insurance?

ask shelleyBy Shelley Swenson Extension Agent III
UF-IFAS Wakulla County Extension

Here are some of the information requests I received this month and announcements of topics of interest. Phone calls and emails allow me to review topics with Wakulla County citizens that are of interest. I appreciate the space in the Wakulla Neighbor to share some these topics with others.

We are sending our son off to apartment living next fall while he attends college. Does he need renter’s insurance?

One of the costs that people tend to forget or ignore is renter’s insurance.But according to consumer science researchers, everyone renting an apartment or a house should have it. It will protect your family against losses from disasters such as hurricanes and fi re or a robbery. We may think that these types of things will never happen to us, but, unfortunately, it does.

Renter’s insurance is moderately priced. You can choose a policy that pays the value of your loss, such as the present value of your furniture. You can choose insurance that pays the replacement value of the loss. Of the two kinds, replacement insurance is recommended as the better choice. Some renters believe the landlord has insurance that protects them. This is not correct. The landlord is not responsible for a loss unless the landlord is directly responsible for causing the loss. Renter’s insurance will also protect you in other ways. For example, it helps you when your dog bites a neighbor or if a visitor breaks his arm while at your son’s apartment.

Read the rest of the article here.



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Posted: May 20, 2016

Category: Home Management, Money Matters, Relationships & Family, UF/IFAS Extension, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Ask Shelley, Credit, Education, Families & Consumers, Family And Consumer Sciences, Finances, General Information, Health, Shelley Swenson, Wakulla, Wakulla County Extension

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