And just like that the fair has come and gone! After so much anticipation it’s hard to believe how quickly it flew by. After a long summer, a busy start to the new year, and the all-encompassing week of the fair…let’s take a deep breath and remember what our role is in a 4-H club meeting. I know I could use the refresher.
- Be engaged – You will only get out of a meeting what you put into it, so ask questions, participate in activities, and share your thoughts.
- Offer to help out – You aren’t the only one who’s tired after the fair. Lend a hand to your club leaders, your fellow 4-H’ers, anyone who looks like they could use it.
- Know your part – If you are an officer, be prepared for the meeting and ready to help out. If you’re a member, participate and help the meeting run smoothly.
- Have a plan & make a plan – Know what your club has going on for each meeting and work with your club to make a plan for events and activities for the rest of the year.
- Keep the balance – Get back on track of your meeting basics (did you remember to say the pledges?) and remember to split the meeting to 25% Business, 50% Educational, and 25% Recreation.
- Let the youth lead – 4-H is a youth-led organization and that includes club meetings. Elect your officers and rely on them to run the meetings. Engage older youth to help younger youth with activities. Have them take ownership of their club!
- Lend a hand – When you can, show up early and help set up. Offer to bring snacks or lead activities.
- Encourage your youth to participate – Talk to them about officer positions and other opportunities they have to get involved. Support them any way you can.
- Remember it’s their meeting – Try to avoid being overly involved and let the youth run their meetings. Be engaged without taking over.
Let’s break ourselves out of fair mode and move eagerly into the next phase of the 4-H year by making our best better at our next club meeting. It’s shaping up to be another great year with Nassau County 4-H!
Need more tips on running a great meeting? Click here!