The Family Nutrition Program helped a lot of children and families in 2020

Despite the challenges and disruptions of COVID-19, Florida’s Family Nutrition Program (FNP) team still did an incredible job last year and reached nearly 740,000 Floridians through nutrition education and through interventions and efforts in policy, systems, and the environment (PSEs). We are proud to share the 2020 statewide infographic here:








(click on the images to see a full-size PDF)

Wakulla County’s nutrition educator, Shelli Payne, did a fantastic job reaching our local residents last year:








(click on the images to see a full-size PDF)

The UF/IFAS Extension Family Nutrition Program (FNP) has provided free nutrition education to SNAP-eligible people in Florida since 1996. FNP also provides free resources for local organizations to support and promote healthy eating and physical activity in their communities. The FNP program is currently in 40 counties in Florida, providing nutrition education and other resources to low-income children, families, and seniors.


Posted: January 29, 2021

Category: Health & Nutrition, UF/IFAS Extension, WORK & LIFE
Tags: Family Nutrition Program