May 21: Discover the sweet secrets of Florida-grown mangos at UF/IFAS online, expert-led workshop

What makes Florida-grown mangos a commodity that growers and enthusiasts alike adore? Find out May 21 at a free online Mango Growers Workshop.

Whether you grow, pick, pack, sell or simply enjoy mangos, scientists at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) invite you to participate in the workshop, which will focus on phenology, flavor, aroma, consumer acceptance and postharvest practices for Florida-grown mangos.

Event Details:


Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Time: 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Location: Online via Zoom. Please register here in advance to receive your unique Zoom link for the event.

“This workshop is a must-attend for anyone involved in the mango industry or with a keen interest in Florida-grown and cultivated mangos,” said Jonathan Crane, a UF/IFAS professor of horticultural sciences and Extension tropical fruit specialist at UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC) in Homestead.

UF/IFAS scientists and Extension agents will cover topics crucial to understanding and improving the mango cultivation and consumption experience.

Did you know that consumers prefer many locally grown mango varieties such as ‘Edward,’ ‘Palmer,’ Rosigold,’ ‘Maha Chinook’ and ‘Southern Blush’ over the standard ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango found in the major grocery chains, according to tests conducted by Charles Sims, a UF/IFAS scientist at the department of food science and human nutrition?

This speaks to the specialty mango market that Florida has grown to be known for and is a highlight of the workshop.

In Florida, commercial mango production takes place in the southern part of the state, specifically Miami-Dade, Lee, and Palm Beach Counties, where more than 2500 acres are dedicated to the crop according to the 2017 agricultural census estimates by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Mango season in South Florida plays a significant role in the state’s economy providing jobs and income for local growers of tropical fruits and the businesses that sell and use them around the state.

Register today for an engaging and informative session.

Here are agenda highlights of the program:


1 p.m. Florida’s mango industry. Speaker: Jeff Wasielewski, UF/IFAS commercial agent of tropical fruits.

1:20 p.m. Examples of growth phases of selected mango cultivars in Florida. Speaker: Jonathan Crane, UF/IFAS tropical fruit crop specialist.

1:40 p.m. Examples of mango flavor and aroma diversity of selected mango cultivars. Speaker: Yu Wang, UF/IFAS food scientist.

2 p.m. Mango cultivar consumer tasting results. Speaker: Charlie Sims, UF/IFAS food scientist.

2:20 p.m. Harvest maturity and postharvest handling to maximize fruit quality for small farms and packinghouses. Speaker: Jeff Brecht, UF/IFAS postharvest physiologist.



By Lourdes Mederos,


The mission of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is to develop knowledge relevant to agricultural, human and natural resources and to make that knowledge available to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. With more than a dozen research facilities, 67 county Extension offices, and award-winning students and faculty in the UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UF/IFAS brings science-based solutions to the state’s agricultural and natural resources industries, and all Florida residents.  |  @UF_IFAS

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Posted: May 16, 2024

Category: Agribusiness, Blog Community, Crops, EVENTS, Farm Management, Fruits & Vegetables, SFYL Hot Topic, UF/IFAS Extension, UF/IFAS Research
Tags: Edward Mango, Florida-grown, Florida-grown Mangos, Jonathan Crane, Maha Chinook Mango, Mango, Mango Cultivation, Mango Season, Palmer Mango, Rosigold Mango, Southern Blush Mango, Tropical Research And Education Center

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