Extension Sarasota County

Tag: leaks

Black mold growing in the home, overlaid by three symbols: detect (a warning triangle and magnifying lens), clean (hand with sponge and sparkles), and prevent (a crossed out graphic of mold spores)

Mold Management in the Home

October 30, 2024

Mold Detection Molds are a type of fungi that are nearly invisible to the naked eye...until that is, they begin to "fruit." While this "fruit" is about as far from an apple as you can get, it does serve the same purpose in helping the fungus ... READ MORE

Category: Disaster Preparation, Home Management, UF/IFAS, UF/IFAS Extension, Work & Life
Tags: Black Mold, Concern, Danger, Flooding, Growth, Health, Indoor Air Quality, Intrusion, Leaks, Mold, Pgm_Chemicals, Pgm_Sustain, Storm, Water
Pipes being repaired with wrenches

Early leak detection saves water and money

October 7, 2020

A startling statistic from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that leaks account for 12% of indoor water use. In the United States, an average household wastes 10,000 gallons of water on leaks annually. You could run your washing ... READ MORE

Category: Home Landscapes, Home Management, UF/IFAS Extension, Water, Work & Life
Tags: Conservation, Dye, Irrigation, Leak Detection, Leaks, Pgm_Water, Toilet, Water, Water Conservation In Sarasota County, Water Meter

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