Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics

Every year since 1970, people around the world have come together to celebrate our planet and support environmental action on April 22. This Earth Day 2024, let’s rally together for the crucial theme of ‘Planet vs Plastic.’ This year’s theme unites everyone- students, businesses, governments, and individuals in an unshakeable commitment to ending plastic pollution for the sake of human and planetary health, demanding a 60% reduction in the production of plastics by 2040 and an ultimate goal of building a plastic-free future.

View the 2024 Theme Video

60% Reduction of Plastic Production by 2040

EARTHDAY.ORG aims for a 60% reduction in plastic by 2040 by raising public awareness of plastic’s harm to biodiversity, eliminating single-use plastics by 2030, advocating for policies against fast fashion’s plastic use, and investing in innovative solutions for a plastic-free future. It’s exciting and ambitious, but with collective effort and commitment, we can make it a reality. Let’s band together and do our best every day to best plastic pollution.

60% reduction of plastic production by 2040. Three main reasons. Health awareness: Plastics are a danger to humanity and all living creatures, disrupting the delicate balance of life on Earth. Demand change: Rapidly phase our all single use plastics, urgently push for a strong UN treaty on plastic pollution, and call for an end to fast fashion. Innovative Solutions: Interesting and innovative technologies and materials to build a plastic free world.
















Celebrating Creativity and Environmental Advocacy

These posters were too cute to not share! EARTHDAY.ORG invited students around the United States to create a vivid poster illustrating the urgent need to say no to plastics. Congratulations to Luke P.B. (5-17 age category) and Teague S. (18+ age category) for winning the “Your Art, Our Earth” poster contest! A huge thank you to all the students across the United States who participated and shared their creativity!

The first drawing says Fight Plastic! Save Earth! with Earth punching a plastic water bottle. The second drawing is a shark made of plastic waste.
[CREDIT: Luke P.B. and Teague S.]

Get Involved: Taking Action for a Plastic Free Sarasota County

Let’s join hands and take action to make a difference! Together, we can create a healthier, more sustainable, and plastic free planet. Here are some ways you can get involved and be a part of the solution:

Inverted pyramid: Refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, then compost.
[CREDIT: Science and Environment Council]

Green Living Toolkit

Discover practical ways to reduce single-use plastics and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle by exploring the Green Living Toolkit. From simple swaps to eco-conscious habits, this toolkit offers valuable insights and resources to empower individuals in their journey towards plastic reduction. You can also Explore the Events page on the Green Living Toolkit to discover upcoming volunteer cleanup activities in the area.

Join an Upcoming Class

Join us at an upcoming UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County waste reduction class! These informational classes will help you start your journey towards reducing waste and protecting our environment!

Sarasota County Green Business Partnership logo.
[CREDIT: Sarasota County Government]

Support Green Businesses

Supporting Sarasota County’s green businesses with low-waste packaging not only reduces your environmental impact but also fosters a more sustainable local economy. By shopping at these businesses, you contribute directly to the reduction of plastic pollution and promote responsible consumption habits. Explore the Green Business Partnership directory to discover businesses committed to sustainability and make a positive difference with your purchasing choices today.

Refuse, then Recycle Right!

Refusing single-use plastic is the initial and essential step towards reducing our plastic footprint. However, when plastic use is unavoidable, ensuring proper recycling is very important. Visit our Sarasota County Recycles webpage to learn about what materials can and cannot be recycled, empowering you to make informed choices. Together, let’s prioritize waste reduction and responsible recycling practices for a cleaner environment!

Items to recycle: Cans, cartons, glass, plastics. When in doubt, leave it out! Leave out plastic bags, food, liquids, diapers, hazardous waste.
[CREDIT: Sarasota County Government]

Healthier Planet, Healthier You

As we celebrate Earth Day 2024 and reflect on the theme of “Planet vs Plastic,” it’s clear that our collective efforts are needed now more than ever. Achieving EARTHDAY.ORG’s goal of a 60% reduction in plastic by 2040 is ambitious, but entirely within reach if we all commit to action. Let’s get involved, advocate for sustainable practices, and prioritize waste reduction in our daily lives. Together, we have the power to shape a brighter and plastic free future. As we look ahead, I am hopeful and inspired by the potential for positive change when we unite in our commitment to environmental stewardship. Happy Earth Day!



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Posted: April 2, 2024

Category: Conservation
Tags: Earth, Earth Day, Pgm_Sustain, Plastic Pollution, Sustainability

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