Finally. No-sew face coverings

As I slowly make my way out to go for groceries, I now have a small checklist of items to remember. Of course, the grocery list and purse. And, now, my face covering.

I have to admit that it now seems odd not to wear one. But, if you are like some, sewing a face mask is not an option. And, from what I see online, there is a huge variety and cost for pre-made masks.

That’s unfortunate. Studies show that masks reduce the transmission of disease. And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) maintains that “(t)o reduce the spread of COVID-19, people wear cloth face coverings in public settings when around people outside of their household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.”

We have learned that cloth face coverings are just an additional step. But, how often have you washed your mask? And, how many do you need?

Face coverings should be washed after each use with your regular laundry. So, the warm water setting and your usual laundry detergent should do the job. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly for 20 seconds when handling and removing your used mask, which brings me to that fact that we now need several face coverings.

Ajia Paolillo, a UF/IFAS Extension agent, dons a finished "no-sew" face covering
Ajia Paolillo, a UF/IFAS Extension agent, dons a finished “no-sew” face covering. [CREDIT: Ajia Paolillo, UF/IFAS Extension]
Enter: no-sew face coverings. A simple, inexpensive way to safeguard your health and that of others.

At the links below you’ll find illustrated directions, in both English and Spanish, to create a no-sew face covering. They are easy to make, inexpensive, and your children can make some for the entire family. When things are simple, easy, fun, budget-friendly and help protect us, chalk that up in the “win” category.


Posted: July 9, 2020

Category: Work & Life
Tags: Coronavirus, COVID, COVID-19, Face Covering, Face Mask, Mask, Pgm_FCS