Can a couch potato learn to grow a sweet potato?

Perhaps you’ve been sequestered at home, gnawing on freezer food while binge-watching television or stooped over a laptop until your eyes burn and spine curves. The pandemic has left me leaving a dent in the couch (and with an alarming inability to easily move my neck and shoulders).

I don’t know about you, but I’m yearning for life outside my walls and craving some fresh food. Normally, I can tackle both by supporting gardening activities at community and school gardens, my outlets after a recent move meant I couldn’t grow edibles at home.

It’s time to get outside, again.

But, one problem: this is not the best time of year to start veggies in Florida.

That’s a shock for many or our area transplants—residents who’ve moved here from other areas. They’ve been ingrained to sow in spring and harvest in autumn. After a frustrating season or two of gardening failure here, though, they come to realize just how different are seasons and soils in Florida.

That doesn’t mean to give up on gardening. You’ll just need a little planning. And I can help. Join me, as I transition from couch potato and keyboard warrior to sweet potato-growing garden guru. We’ll explore growing edibles in Florida, together! Now can be a great time for research and planning OR you can start hands-on exploring with crops you can grow in the heat.

To learn more about the summer season and heat-tolerant crops like watermelon, Seminole pumpkin, sweet potato, and more, join our “Some Like It Hot: Growing Your Own Heat-Tolerant Veggies” webinar:

And, learn about your growing medium in our “Understanding Your Soil” webinar:

Finally, and as always, you can find out more about gardening, landscaping, and all types of growing at, by calling 941-861-5000 or emailing to


Posted: May 7, 2020

Category: Fruits & Vegetables, Health & Nutrition
Tags: Garden, Growing, Pgm_Gardens, Soil, Vegetable

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