EVENT: Engineering open house for youth

Join us Sept. 18 for an open house to showcase for youth the array of engineering paths, careers and options available.

From 6-8 p.m., co-hosts UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County 4-H and Sarasota UF Innovation Station will highlight the field of engineering and career pathways, and provide an academic road map to engineering information. Engineering in agriculture also will be featured, to cross-promote the engineering and technology aspects of 4-H projects including STEM, agriculture and animal sciences.

Mark you calendar now, and plan to join us at the Extension office at 6700 Clark Road, Sarasota.

For more information, contact the UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County 4-H office at 941-861-9814 or by email to 4h@scgov.net.


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Posted: August 2, 2019

Category: 4-H & Youth, Events
Tags: Engineering, Event, Innovation Station, Pgm_4H, STEM

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