As we close out the year and take time to gather with friends and family to celebrate holidays, it’s a natural time for reflecting on all that we are thankful for.
Giving and receiving gifts are likely on the minds of many and it’s a fitting time to highlight opportunities to give to support the work of the UF/IFAS Extension Small Farms program or a host of other initiatives.
The fresh and exciting 🙂 UF/IFAS Extension Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises website now includes a page just to highlight the many opportunities to give back.

Have a treasured goal you’d like to support?
We can make arrangements to be sure your gift goes toward the efforts you love.
Want to honor a loved one, give back or pay it forward?
We know the feeling… The satisfaction of being able to give back to the organizations that have helped you in getting where you are just can’t be beat. “It’s better to give than receive.” is a phrase for a reason and experiencing the full circle of being in need and then being able to help others in need is an extremely satisfying feeling. Giving in honor of a loved one can also help in processing loss and the need to recognize the continued value or the legacy of relationships that have impacted our lives. For me, I know my dad doesn’t need anything anymore, but when I give to his union’s scholarship that helped send me to college, it helps me say he’s still my dad and I know it makes him proud.
For the person that doesn’t need anything
If you are scrambling about trying to find a gift for the person that doesn’t need anything, consider contributing to something they love but might not yet practice giving to. This could be a way of saying something like: “You matter.” or something like “I love you.” or something like “I appreciate the impact you have had on my life.” Maybe you’ll get them started on a giving path as well!
If you are on a zero waste mission, or striving to boost mindfulness and minimize distractions, giving in honor of others may be just the thing for you! No packaging to deal with for this gift! 🙂
We’ve listed ways to give to the Small Farms Program but many other opportunities to give including time or sharing the things you have, when you have more than you need. There are also some resources on how to evaluate non-profits and be sure your gift is going to count. Feel free to take a look and consider what aligns with your moment.
Grateful for you
Finally, the UF/IFAS Extension Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises program is thankful for you! We are thankful to work with innovative farmers that take risks to advance their operations and feed people. We are thankful to the many Extension faculty and staff that execute on delivering unbiased information to improve the lives of everyday people in our state. We are thankful to explore new ideas and support others in doing so as well.
All the best as you gather and reflect this holiday season! 🙂
Mary Beth and Danielle